Thetford cassette jammed


Advanced Member
Jan 30, 2015
I was cleaning the Thetford cassette after our Alaska trip and I've somehow gotten it jammed. It appears to be in all the way but I opened the valve on the toilet (I wanted to drain the tank that holds the water for flushing) and now I can neither close that vaive or remove the cassette.

Any suggestions?
Not sure I follow ...underneath where? I'm not at all certain I can get a hand between the top of the cassette and the bottom of the toilet bowl.
I am talking about under the cassette itself. I am basing this on our tent trailer, so it may be different in your rig. You are supposed to slide it out, right? We used to have to lift ours up towards the toilet bowl to get it over the stop that keeps it from sliding out accidentally. Good luck.
Thanks but there's no room either above or below the cassette. It's a rather tight fit.
The valve is part of the cassette, not the toilet. If it is any way not closed fully, the cassette will not come out. The links Old Crow posted may help.

If you have ever opened and closed the valve manually when cleaning the cassette you might remember the yellow knob you turned to move the valve. If this is not lined up with the long dimension of the cassette, then the part of the toilet that actuates this is engaged with the yellow knob at some angle, which will prevent removal. Either by using the flush handle on the toilet or by physically moving the black valve (like described in the links) are the only two ways I can imagine accomplishing proper alignment of the knob so it will allow the cassette to slide out.
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