Took the dog to the snow


Riley's Human
Jan 12, 2007
Should have brought some food and stayed. The weather was great. I went by Gerle Creek. Snow was rock hard and not that much of it. Dog had a good time.

Looks like fun! Our dog loves the snow. Trouble is, he loves to eat the stuff and pretty soon is shivering from the inside out. You would think he would learn, but with an entire edible landscape in front of him, he just keeps chomping on the stuff, haha.
Mines chomps it too. I was a little concerned when he was walking on the ice along the creek. I really don't want to do a water rescue in freezing water. I was surprised how few people were up there on a holiday.
Ya-looks like he is having some fun. Just wish what little snow that fell here-was still here, so "Bob" could go play in it :p ! Well, anyway maybe the next storm will give us more than an inch or so, so Bob can play and i can take a picture too :D ! I guess I could just drive up the hill a mile or so and find some-but I'm to lazy, and besides, both of us would much rather just have to step outside the door like in the old days when we had a winter here :oops: !

I'm surprised by how well he handles the cold. Never seems to get cold. Poor bob, only a half mile to go play? But you do have a wood heater to sit by right?
craig333 said:
Mines chomps it too. I was a little concerned when he was walking on the ice along the creek. I really don't want to do a water rescue in freezing water. I was surprised how few people were up there on a holiday.
Rocky broke an ice shelf and fell into the Mississippi River. He couldn't get out because the current undercut the ice and nothing to grab with his back feet. I thought I might have to drive to New Orleans to pick him up. As you say, I wasn't keen on ending up in the river myself. I found a deadfall branch and used it to spread my weight and support myself on the ice so I could grab him and pull him out. Was a bit of an adventure.
It was over my head deep where he would have gone in. At least we have a good option for drying out if we did go in. Another reason to keep blankets and a change of clothes on board.
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