Tool for camper insulation analysis


The Weatherman
Site Team
May 24, 2010
Bend, Oregon
If you want to do an analysis of your camper's insulation and want to base it on quantitative measurements but you don't have $$$$$ for a full-on FLIR camera, FLIR now has an attachment for your smartphone that costs only $$$. As described here by the tech blog The Verge.
FLIR's own page for this device.


A few years ago I borrowed a $20,000+ FLIR camera from work to do this analysis of the heat flux from my camper -- with and without insulation of the soft-side.

If you're satisfied with your camper's insulation and don't need to do an analysis you can also use it as a quick early-warning check for frostbite, as I did with the borrowed FLIR camera, below:

It shows that my nose is the coldest part of my face...why mountaineers lose noses to frostbite.


Yes, yes -- OK...this is mainly just REALLY COOL...and I'm having to try really hard to control my impulse-buying.
Interesting, we used FLIR to look for warm bodies in the mountains in winter. But, that always involved a military helicopter.

Please let us know what you find, Mr.BC. FYI, I only have a dumb phone.
I've been so tempted to get one of these. I'm imagining using it at night to "see" what that noise is outside. But then I think maybe I don't really want to know!
My word-more new toys! And yep-maybe I too don't really want to see what goes bang outside at night (besides that's Bobs job to let me know if bad things are sneaking up on my FWC).

When we were kids we lived with an alley out back that had a nice slope. My aunt would pour hot water down it to make a sheet of ice we could sled on. She always said the hot water would freeze faster than the cold....go figure :)
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