Trinity River Spring Flow Release Schedule


Captain Moderation
Feb 27, 2010
Near Arcata, CA/Northern CA
Hello fellow WTW'sters. Below is a link for the official spring flow release schedule on the Trinity River in Northern California. For those of you planning on travelling 299 or camping along the Trinity River below Lewiston Dam you should be aware of the increased flows and how it may impact your plans. Springs flow releases are performed each year with the intention of causing geomorphic changes that will benefit salmonids as well as other organisms. In general the flows are intended to mimic the spring runoff that would have occurred before the dam was put into place. Flow release magnitudes are based on water year designations. The flows mobilize gravels, maintain gravel bars, scour holes, a perform a myriad of other biologically important tasks. In addition to the spring flow release on the ground physical restoration has also been taking place. The Trinity River Restoration Program (TRRP) website has a lot of information about the program. If anyone is interested in more in depth information feel free to let me know I will be willing to pass along what I can. I have been working as a consultant documenting and studying sediment transport dynamics on the Trinity River for the past 10 years.

click on the 2011 flow release link

Have fun out there and if you are in the area enjoy what a river should look like.....Yes I am biased.

Hey Cort,

Like the Trinity, The flows of the Gunnison River through the Black Canyon are fluctuated to accomplish the same ecological benefits. It's amazing how healthy the river feels after they have ramped up the flows in May. What was more amazing was how unhealthy the river seemed during those drought years we suffered here in central Colorado. We haven't heard yet when they will be doing "The Flush" but it usually happens sometime in mid May. Anyway, I am looking forward to some great fly fishing this year due to great snow pack with very high moisture content.

Good Camping...and fishing,

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