Truck recommendations?


Advanced Member
Mar 13, 2012
I know this has probably been discussed before, but I was looking for recommendations based on my circumstances.

The only "must" at this point is that it must have 4WD. I will be taking some pretty rough roads, with lots of rocks and washboard, but I won't be scaling boulders or anything super extreme.

Originally I was set on a 8-9' camper, but I've taken another look at the 6.5'ers. They might work a little better with the rough roads, and I won't have to buy a full size truck. Are full size trucks good on rough roads? Seems like the wider wheelbase and extra weight might hinder it a bit.

I'm working with a limited budget (hopefully can get something for less than 8k...*hopefully*). The trucks I've seen in this price range all have 170,000 miles or so, which tempts me to buy an older diesel instead of a gasser. 170k on a diesel is basically a broken in diesel, whereas 170k on a gasser is near the end of its life.

Looking forward to hearing some suggestions. Thanks
Oops! I just realized I posted this in the wrong forum. Mods please move.

Oops! I just realized I posted this in the wrong forum. Mods please move.


Done. :)
Done. :)

Actually, I found some threads that asked basically the same question, worded differently. You can close/delete this one.

Sorry about that!
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