Upgrading JRV FWC Water Monitor to a SeeLevel Monitor


Senior Member
Apr 29, 2019
Grand Junction, Colorado
Hey all-

This could be a nifty upgrade for some of those whose water monitors konk out.

I found out that this is a JRV board with FWC labeling. This seemed pretty common at the time. This was from a 2008 FWC Hawk. After testing most everything and from what I read, the culprit was a failed circuit board.

I could not find a suitable replacement and unfortunately JRV appears out of business.

I ended up going with the SeeLevel Monitor from Gannet. I went with the 709-2P. I only installed one sensor for now but will probably add one to my hot water as well.

Truck Camper magazine did a fairly thorough write up here. https://www.truckcampermagazine.com/camper-mods/contests/seelevel-ii-tank-monitor-upgrade/

The hardest part was access to the water tank as the sensors need to be installed vertically on the tank.

The other difficulty was the wiring as directions weren't very clear in the initial manual and it's hard to determine what color FWC wires are what. After a blown fuse I got it dialed in using single switch wiring. https://www.garnetinstruments.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Pump-Switch-Wiring-Diagrams.pdf

For those with this era FWC this could be a suitable replacement and has the benefit of telling water % and also has a pump switch.

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