Vets Day visit to Saline

I just booked marked you wordpress link. Checked my old link to your blog and it also went to wordpress? Did you use Blogger before?
billharr said:
I just booked marked you wordpress link. Checked my old link to your blog and it also went to wordpress? Did you use Blogger before?
Thanks, Bill. We did try blogger, but after I lost a bunch of writing that Susan had done, we went with Wordpress.
It's not perfect either, but we're getting used to it.

Casa Escarlata Robles Too said:
Whats with the "Toy's 'R' us" spot at the end?
Casa Escarlata Robles Too said:
Andy when I viewed your post ,at the end there was a advertizement for toys r us.
Google must be tracking you, Frank. Been shopping for grandkids lately? ;)
Lighthawk said:
Google must be tracking you, Frank. Been shopping for grandkids lately? ;)
Andy I clicked on your report again. This time there was a "U Tube" ad and above it was, "about these ads?"
It seems your wordpress people run random ads to try to make some money for their site.
Try clicking on your link.

Just clicked on the "U Tube"ad.It's from "Myth Busters" about Mc Donalds chicken mc nuggets and how they are made.It was shot at the Tyson chicken plant.
Andy do you get a kick back?

Andy it seems that your use of this site comes with ads,unless you pay for a "no ad package" $30 a year.
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