Wandering the far, far west.


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Dec 27, 2006
East of Sacramento
Took a week long trip sans camper. After trying to bury it in mud at Black Rock Desert, we were ready for an easier trip. Still was able to do some wandering though.
Photo one is on the drive up to the summit. Road was a little washboarded but not bad. Already above the clouds at this point.


Second photo is on the summit - 13,796'. Quite the head rush considering I left sea level just two hours before.


Third photo shows just how volcanic the area is. This is the steam from a flow going into the ocean. It is on private property so we couldn't get any closer.


Last photo, made it back in time to catch the sunset from the Lanai.


Okay, so it wasn't a camping trip. But I would like to point out that Magellan made an ocean trip and returned unscathed. Of course, that may have something to do with me not being the navigator.:rolleyes:
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