Wandering Western Costa Rica


The Artist
Jan 13, 2012
sebastopol, ca
Three weeks moving around western Costa Rica drawing a picture every day and not staying any one place very long, just another illustrated journal by Milt.

To be continued...

Hey guys, thanks again to MarkBC for helping me get this stuff up. We travel pretty lite with mostly our snorkels and fins and my sketch book. It seems that their standing army is their travel industry, they get you coming and going. Good to be home too. Milt.
Another amazing trip report, MIlt -- thanks for sharing your unique view.
My pleasure to help you share it. :)
I really enjoy your drawings and reports. Are your drawings made with ink and colored pencil? Just curious. Looks like a great vacation (even if too expensive). :)
Beautiful drawings as usual Milt - thanks! Visited some of the same places in CR some years ago, good to remember them again through your drawings.
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