Want pictures of Bobcat shell dinette


Gypsy Feet
Jan 13, 2009
Sonora, Ca Sierra Foothills
Does anyone have pictures of what ATC does these days for a side dinette? I am headed to the factory in a few days to order and want to have a "clearer picture" of my options. So excited to be finally changing my profile tagline. It's been a long time coming.
Bseek said:
Does anyone have pictures of what ATC does these days for a side dinette? I am headed to the factory in a few days to order and want to have a "clearer picture" of my options. So excited to be finally changing my profile tagline. It's been a long time coming.
Bseek,I have a full Bobcat with side dinette (one of the first they made).
If you want I could take some photos or you could search under ATC campers and find the posts I did.
Although they were about 4 years ago.
Let me know.
IMO the side dinette Bobcat is a great option.
Can't help with the dinette pics but congrats on the order!! Now the hard part... the waiting.
My original thread on page 7 has pics of the first dinette Marty and Jeff did. I don't know if there are many changes from that time, but that was a great layout IMHO. I recommend it (and ATC) highly. Much better than a couch, especially for one or two people. The way the table was mounted left foot room on the floor as well as knee room and you could sit down and see out the window while eating, playing cards, etc.
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