We the people.


Mar 12, 2007
Santa Maria, CA
While I don't agree with everything this guy says, the part about making our representatives and senators obey the same laws they pass for the rest of use makes a lot of sense.

I realize I'm stirring the pot. I hope any discussion which may ensue because of my post is civil. If not, I'm willing to get kicked off this site provided at least one person watches the video.

I don't know if elementary schools currently require one to memorize the preamble to the Constitution, but when I was in school, I had to. From memory it is:

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare and secure....(this is the part I don't remember) ... establish this Constitution of the United States of America.
I watched it and couldn't agree more. Carolyn and I are loading tea bags in envelopes and sending them to Washington. You should too!
Warning: Liberal in the mix

Screw the teabags...I'm sending them American grown marijuana. (just the trash, not the good stuff)

Why? Because I've wanted this drug legal for years...and they ignored me!

I like it.

Warning: Liberal in the mix

Screw the teabags...I'm sending them American grown marijuana. (just the trash, not the good stuff)

Why? Because I've wanted this drug legal for years...and they ignored me!


I like it because I think a lot of people feel the same way, including me (though I haven't touched the stuff for years). This isn't liberal vs. conservative, or democrate vs. republican, it's We The People vs. our legislatures. I know that Mtn-high knows I'm a conservative. The Republicans have voted special privilages for themselves just as much as the Democrats have.

If you sent the good stuff, how much do you want to bet they would ask for more?
Warning: Liberal in the mix


I suspect you are actually far more libertarian (small l) than liberal. I think most of us here are. And certainly some of us are Libertarian (large L).

We Libertarians agree with both T & M bags. The .gov should mind it's own business, not ours.

Well... 25% of "We the People" are illegal immigrants. Another 50% are beyond apathetic. There is always the 10% at the top, and the 10% at the bottom that are fine with the current situations. That leaves about 5% of us, and we generally are just preaching to the choir.
Well... 25% of "We the People" are illegal immigrants. Another 50% are beyond apathetic. There is always the 10% at the top, and the 10% at the bottom that are fine with the current situations. That leaves about 5% of us, and we generally are just preaching to the choir.

Isn't that the truth.
Those who can, must!

Well... 25% of "We the People" are illegal immigrants. Another 50% are beyond apathetic. There is always the 10% at the top, and the 10% at the bottom that are fine with the current situations. That leaves about 5% of us, and we generally are just preaching to the choir.

About 10% of that 5% of us can actually do something, I believe. Here is how.

An old proverb reads,
Do you see a man skilled in his work?
He will stand before kings; he will not stand before obscure men.

Those of us fortunate enough to have that kind of skill are in demand by the powerful, wealthy people who employ us. If we patiently make it know to them that we have convictions worth suffering over, we can actually make these people do things for others they wouldn't naturally do.

One must be gracious and humble and sparingly apply this pressure, or we will be seen as too troublesome and they will dismiss us.

I believe having convictions, courage, and care is a powerful life affirming combination.
My post wasn't so much about marijuana as it was in making a point that, to me, it makes no sense to protest the Gov't's inadequecies and their sending jobs overseas/etc. by sending them a teabag made from tea FROM EVERYWHERE BUT THE USA. (20 different teas from a like # of 3rd World countries are blended into "Lipton" tea, FYI. There's NOTHING AMERICAN IN THERE AT ALL....)

It's like driving to Detroit in a YUGO to protest that they aren't making enough American cars, IMO. WTF? Tea from Ceylon? How many Americans even know WTF Ceylon is or are smart enough to follow the trail to see that their 'protest" only enforces OVERSEAS PROFIT?? Well DUH!

But to answer your question, Edo....those clowns don't NEED or DESERVE the good stuff...though I do have to say I'd give anything to sit down and spark a fatty/change Brother Barack's views on legalization and get those bozos on the hill off those 3 martini lunch breaks and onto the herbal cure...

I personally think Cali will legalize this November or Novemeber 2010 and bust this wide open. I hope those of you who live there who "used to partake" will remember what it felt like to be under the thumb of LEO constantly for just trying to relax and have a good time like the boozers all around have the right to do when they please.

Not that The Gov't has or ever will STOP ME from doing what I think is best for me...but hey...after feeling the benefit of "legality" from my State issued med card I now know what it is like to NO LONGER LIVE IN FEAR in what I'm told is a FREE COUNTRY for the first time in over 35 years since I took my first toke...

off the soapbox and loading a bowl of dank...


I like it because I think a lot of people feel the same way, including me (though I haven't touched the stuff for years). This isn't liberal vs. conservative, or democrate vs. republican, it's We The People vs. our legislatures. I know that Mtn-high knows I'm a conservative. The Republicans have voted special privilages for themselves just as much as the Democrats have.

If you sent the good stuff, how much do you want to bet they would ask for more?
My post wasn't so much about marijuana as it was in making a point that, to me, it makes no sense to protest the Gov't's inadequecies and their sending jobs overseas/etc. by sending them a teabag made from tea FROM EVERYWHERE BUT THE USA. (20 different teas from a like # of 3rd World countries are blended into "Lipton" tea, FYI. There's NOTHING AMERICAN IN THERE AT ALL....)

Actually, that's one of the things I disagree with about the video. Taxes and duties have already been paid on that tea. I think it's much more meaningful to write a letter, e-mail or place a phone call to your public officials than to send some kind of symbolic message.

I've written to both of my senators on several occasions. I'll give Barbara Boxer credit for at least writing back to me. The replies may have been written by one of her aids, but they came a few months after my letters and were written in the first person, so she may have taken the time to write them herself.
everyone wants to blame the politicians....thats BS.

calif tried to legalize many times....but not enough people were willing to support it.

calif tried to have budgets on time....but people always vote in a loser gov who lies and promises the moon.

the politicians are a reflection of their support.

eat it up and choke....we are the problem, not them.

dont smoke and show up for that random drug test at work!

we are terrified at having proper health care! and cant get our **** together.....all the guys working for the drug industry say " you will die waiting in line...like in canada and australia!"

and the drug czar says you will die on heroin if you smoke that pot!

we already have socialized fire
socialized police
socialized welfare...i mean security...thats welfare!!!!!!!!!!!
...if youre on it youre livin off the govmt!!!
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