Where are you going to take your camper in 2012

White Dog

Senior Member
Sep 12, 2011
Niverville, Manitoba, Canada
I really like the thread where folks are showing where they have been. Since tomorrow is the solstice and we will be heading into summer by Thursday, lets see where everyone is hoping to travel and when in 2012. Who knows, we may get a chance to meet face-to-face.

Let's use the same cool little map. Cool little map

We will be travelling trough the Canadian prairies when we go to pick up our Grandby in the spring (I just got a notice it is about to go into production :D ) and then we will be off to the Yukon and NWT in late-July through early-September. Probably have a couple of local shakedown trips in Manitoba in June or July as well.
This will be our spring trip. Up to see friends in Port Townsend WA across Canada and over to Glacier Nat Park. Then back down to home. No set time or route yet.

a spring trip 1.jpg a spring trip 2.jpg

To make a long story short I'm driving the camper to Georgia to pick up my new wife :D Then hauling her and stuff back to New Mexico and will probably get to repeat that in a couple months (just getting more stuff not another wife). Plus a visit to the Midwest to show off. Then once we get settled I get to start showing her the West, which she has virtually no experience with. I know we will get to CO and UT and most likely much more :)


  • VisitedStatesMap2.jpg
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<snip> just getting more stuff not another wife <snip>


Mr. Barko best wishes on your adventures and travels with the new wife!
This is a mix of sure-thing, probably, and wishing.

Hmmm....looks a lot like my 2011.

I'm certain I'll visit California and Nevada, and I'm thinking that I'll do a trip to southern Arizona in late-winter -- it's been > 10 years since I've been there, and I love the Sonoran Desert.
Maybe an early-fall trip to Utah... Maybe more --?
During the first half of the year, it will probably just be short trips to neighboring states again. Hopefully this:

During the second half of the year, my sis and I are talking about a trip to Chile and New Zealand. Hope that will pan out, but obviously the camper won't be going there. Haven't yet thought about camping trips in the autumn/winter when I get back home.
Picking up the camper in Iowa.

First big travels for the camper will be a journey around Lake Superior.

Then hopefully a trip to southern Utah in the autumn.


To make a long story short I'm driving the camper to Georgia to pick up my new wife :D Then hauling her and stuff back to New Mexico and will probably get to repeat that in a couple months (just getting more stuff not another wife). Plus a visit to the Midwest to show off. Then once we get settled I get to start showing her the West, which she has virtually no experience with. I know we will get to CO and UT and most likely much more :)

Congratulations! Looks like you are in for a fair bit of driving and should have the central and most of the inland southern states covered off this year.
Definitely big congrats to you, Barko!

Gracias, I'd like to stop by Apache sometime and show her around, she's a midwesterner :LOL: Hasn't seen a thing out this way so it should be fun.
Congrats Barko. Hope you have many happy years together. 2012 will be 40 for us. WOW that's alot. 'for her'. We hope to wander west in mid august and sept. Merry Christmas everyone.us #2.jpg
Congrats Barko. Hope you have many happy years together. 2012 will be 40 for us. WOW that's alot. 'for her'. We hope to wander west in mid august and sept. Merry Christmas everyone.View attachment 13360

Looks like you are going to fly that camper over Illinois and Iowa, not a bad idea :LOL:
Picking up the camper in Iowa.

First big travels for the camper will be a journey around Lake Superior.

Stop in a KBC in houghton, mi. Decent beers. :)
Gracias, I'd like to stop by Apache sometime and show her around, she's a midwesterner :LOL: Hasn't seen a thing out this way so it should be fun.

What is she doing in ga then. :p
Looks like you are going to fly that camper over Illinois and Iowa, not a bad idea :LOL:

Would'nt that be handy.
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