Where to mount Iota DLS30 Power Converter in 2020 Hawk Shell


Advanced Member
Feb 23, 2020
Folks, I have a brand new, 2020 Hawk Shell (yay) with furnace and a single battery.
We got the shell because we wanted to have the furniture and galley just they way we like it, even though FWC does a great job.

However, the Shell doesn't come with a shore power option, so I've got a new DLS30 from Iota (same as FWC uses) and I'd be really interested in advice about how to mount it (where, and electrically).

1. Mounting
Options: in the battery box. I think I can fit it on the ceiling of the battery box. It won't leave more than an inch above the batteries, but it'll fit. Is this a bad idea?
In the electrical cabinet. There's a four inch wide box running along the side of the shell (where most folks have their cabinets) where shell people have the relay, fuses, and terminals. It'll barely fit in there; i'd have to move some terminals, but I hope that's minor (I can post a picture.)

2. Electrical
I'm attaching a standard 110 AC sealed plug into the battery box and I'll be able to plug the converter into that. The dongle I bought has two AC connectors, one for the converter and one, I think I can just route to an outlet: voila: AC power when connected.
Question: is this a terrible idea? I don't think I need the 30amps for anything. Am I wrong about this?
The converter as a 110 male plug so that's that end.

I could just connect the converter to the battery (batteries, later) and be done, but I think that's not right.
Am I supposed to connect it to terminals in that electronics area? Which ones? Do I need circuit breakers on this setup somewhere?

I'll post pictures if that'll help. Thanks for any advice this great group has to share.
1) "in the battery box" with just 1" clearance is questionable. If the batteries are off-gassing during charging, that gas will get into the electronics. Not good for them. Plus, if the IOTA (metal case) should fall down onto the battery terminals....

2) Without pictures, I can't visualize what you are up to here

3) How far is the converter from your battery(s)? What guage wire are you using to carry 30A to them? If the distance is short, I would not think you need to add a fuse.

I could be wrong on any of the above. Lots of smart folks here....
Maybe working out the wiring schematic first will help you decide where to place all the components. For instance, in a traditional FWC install, the Iota converter is wired midway between the battery and all the loads. This allows you to put a battery master switch in the cable between the battery and the converter to easily and completely disconnect the battery for winter storage but still lets the converter power all the loads if connected to shore power.
Thanks. Here are some pictures. I can post a close-up of anything, of course.

Even if I had a schematic, I don't know which wires on the schematic are which wires on my camper.

One question I have about FWC's setup is shouldn't the converter be connected to the batteries even with this kill switch on? This way, when you put it in storage you could connect AC and top off/condition your batteries. As they do it, you can't charge until you turn on the camper... (It's fine either way)

Thanks for the helpful hints, much appreciated!


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given what you have shown us, I'd be tempted to put it in the battery box, on the floor where the 2nd battery MIGHT eventually go.

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