White Rim Trail


The Chair Bandit
Mar 24, 2008
Boise, Idaho
The WRT is presently closed due to flooding so you can't do the whole loop yet. I met up with two other truck camper families from RV.Net and we went in as far as Murphy, about 50 miles and turned around, spending two nights on the trail.

The trail was fun and the company great!!

I was going to try a couple harder trails after we got back to Moab but my camper charger started acting up. Had a very low battery all the time. I think it was stuck on trickle charge. With an electric water pump and electric fridge this was not a good thing.

I left the genny at home thinking moving every day I will not need it. Note to self: Never leave home without it!!!

All the bumps and twisting I was really wishing I had the FWC Hawk but the old Northstar held up OK. Maybe someday!! I really need to tear out the back wall and install AC tho!!!

Along the trail.




I wasn't used to that hot of weather, over 100, this early in the year. Really going to look into installing AC!!!!!

Had a great time tho and definitely worth the trip!!! :cool:
oh, want to go there. You do need permits, right? Restricted access and drive one way? Your pictures make it look like a photographer's paradise with all than sculpted sandstone.
Was the trail closed because of high water or because of road damage? I'm thinking of taking a run at it this fall. I'd check with the Rangers first no matter what. Thanks.

Was the trail closed because of high water or because of road damage? I'm thinking of taking a run at it this fall. I'd check with the Rangers first no matter what. Thanks.


When might you be going, Mike?
Great Pics and it sounds like you had a good time. I did it last year and stayed at White Crack and I am already thinking about another run at it. Let us know when you are going Mike.

Some Images from around White Crack Camp





I was thinking around October sometime. I've been busy working on the house, when your house is 88 years old every project is a challenge. I'll post up when my plans are a little more firm.

Was the trail closed because of high water or because of road damage? I'm thinking of taking a run at it this fall. I'd check with the Rangers first no matter what. Thanks.


Just high water. They say it should be passable by late July.
Those areas look familiar Silvertip47! We must have just missed each other out there. A few of us were on WRT from 7-27 through 7-29. Camp 1 at Gooseberry and Camp 2 at Candlestick. It took 6 hrs to drive straight out on the 29th from Candlestick to the City Market in Moab. Beautiful place, can’t wait to go back! Great to see more truck campers roaming around out there.




More pictures here
look who I find here DJ,

The 3 of us met up at the trail head on June 22,2011. All photos and videos of that WRT can be seen at Travelingman2/WRT

here some more photos and videos


click on pic for video

click on pic for video

click on pic

This was my 3rd trip down there and the Green River was about 2 feet over the trail thru the Upheaval area to the NP boundary where ever the road was low enought.
Pam will be happy to know she's not the only one that walked Murphy's. We're gong back in October with 3 ATCs on 3 Rams.

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