Why No Pictures?

the fisherman

Big Time
Dec 12, 2007
I've been thinking about this today, I know a few of you would like to have some pics. of what goes on out here. A few years ago I put together sort of a video of com. fishing on the west coast, my intention was to educate people about this industry, I wanted to show an unbiased idea of whats really like doing this job, I might add that it was quite a while before Deadlist Catch, at any rate I included everything that goes on out here, the good and the bad. I dicussed all the problems we have now, resourse management, the politics, and the rest of the b.s. Well it wasn't all that bad of a piece, I'm not a movie maker I'm a fisherman. Well a sportfishing conservation group, who for now i'll leave unnamed got a hold of it, cut it up to their liking, used it out of context, actually turned some of it to look like federal fishing regs. were being broken, well this really pi%$ed me off, tried to go to court to stop it, sorry theirs nothing you can do, I learned a lot about the public domain, and how people can do what ever they want, I swore I would never do it again. There was some repercussion in the form of repeated trips to Big O for new tires. I might change my mind, but I don't like being burned. To a man as far as I know the people working out here on the east coast and the gulf all care about the enviorment they work in. We all want healthy oceans, better management and the rest but the problems are huge and so far rather than address any of the real issues, it's the blame game,sound farmilar ? anyway when we get in I will post some selected pic. of the boat, no blood I hope you understand.
One doesn't need to be a member to see another's pictures


Be aware that anything you post here can be viewed by anyone with internet access; one need not be a subscriber to WanderTheWest.com in order to view any pictures/stories we may post. I would hate to hear that you needed another trip to Big-O, or you where facing legal action because of anything posted here.

Be careful my friend, the internet is rife with people who will take advantage of ANY chink in your armor, especially if you're a small fish (no pun intended) with few resources to defend yourself.

While I would like to see pictures of your working environment, if my seeing those pictures meant some @ss #ole could use them against you, I would vote that you don't post them.

Keep up the good work.
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