
Oct 9, 2007
How does the window open on a FWC ? Is there only one window? Some pics I have looked at show a back window, I'm assuming that does not open. Some pics look like the side window is louvered but on others it seems to be flat?
You are correct that the back window does not open. As for the side windows mine is louvered and opens with a knob inside. Not sure what the others do...sliders maybe?? The only other window is the one facing the cab although there is a model (not sure which one) that has the option to add an extra window on the left side I believe. Rare, but there were some posts on this awhile back.
My big side window on my Ranger slides open half way. The screen will slide as well. It's a BIG opening and affords alot of ventilation..I also have a front slider which would be hard to do without..thinking about getting one of the boots that FWC offers to connect truck and camper..
My passenger side window is louvered on the rearward portion, like SunMan's, and opens with a twist knob on the inside. The forward portion of the side window is an emergency exit and opens from the inside by loosening one or two red colored clasps and then pushing the window outward.

The front window, rear window and door window do not open. The windows in the pop-up portion open with velcro. Gobs of windows!!!:D
The optional window on the driver’s side is good for security when boondocking with the top down. It is desirable to be able to see out in all directions.

Ventilation is pretty good with FWC/ATC style campers. Air conditioning seems to be rare, so good ventilation is important. In the southeast, where I live, there are plenty of hot humid nights when it is difficult to sleep without air conditioning. Roof air is out due to the weight. A small window unit would probably fit the rear window. If possible, I would want one mounted in such a way as to allow it to be retracted when not in use, thus keeping the exterior profile stock and clean.

Maybe there are pictures in WtW Forums of air conditioners installed in FWCs utilizing that rear window? Anyone?
I have an idea to install a window AC into the sliding side window in a way that allows me to remove it and stow it inside when traveling. No tools will be necessary for install or removal|stowing.

I have no reason to build it for a few more months, but thought I'd share before somebody unnecessarily cuts into their camper.
b team posted his air conditioner installation a while back. I'm link challenged so here's the thread "b team eagle camper wire job" on page 3 of the FWC forum, go to page 3 of the thread.
How does the window open on a FWC ? Is there only one window? Some pics I have looked at show a back window, I'm assuming that does not open. Some pics look like the side window is louvered but on others it seems to be flat?

T & M on my 04 Grandby the large window on the pass side half is louvered and can open the rear window on the wall and door are fixed.
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