Yellowstone Road Trip


Advanced Member
Mar 27, 2008
These were taken in Yellowstone (Lamar Valley) as well as a few in Nevada and Idaho. The one with the $1.5 million bus in the background was at an RV park in Idaho Falls and shows quite a contrast. Don't think he's doing too much offroading with that rig.


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There's an RV for every taste

The ones with the big RVs might not want too much outdoors where they go. As an ATC user I just need a place to sleep comfortably and keep the "bear necessities" accessible.

Nothing against big RVs, it's one step closer to the outdoors. So that's a good thing. Other people sit at home in front of their TV and just watch Discovery & Natl Geographic. That's how far they get.

The BIG RV users at least can watch TV and smell the outdoors!

Just my two pesos ;)
If I were rich I wouldn't mind having a large rv for those trips to the beach, camping with a lot of friends. And I certainly forsee a day when the fwc will just be physically too much to do. But for now I need to find some time to head out. Poor dog hasn't seen the snow all year.
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