Yellowstone Trip


Advanced Member
Aug 8, 2007
Just back from a whirlwind trip of Yellowstone NP and a big chunk of Western MT. Of course did the Beartooth Highway, too fantastic to miss. Toured thru the Beartooths, took in the Harley Rally at Red Lodge on way thru, cruised on up thru the Little Belt and Crazy Mtns, crossed the Continental Divide in the Rockies and then of course up and over the Clearwater country to get home.

I am reminded at just how big MT really is. Weather nice and refreshing, never higher than the mid 80's and it was a real jolt to come home to 90-100's. But then again in some places their past winter is not a too distant memory as the snow shots attest!

1. View from road going to Pine Creek CG on the Gallatin NF
2. Yellowstone Falls
3. Great colors in a pool
4. Fountain geyser near Old Faithful
5. Blue Pool
6. Old Faithful Inn
7. Another shot of woodwork in OFI
8. View along Beartooth Highway
9. Beartooth Highway
10. FWC sprawl
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