Alpine Loop - Colorado High Country - Best Dates?


Captain Leisure
Site Team
Nov 10, 2005
Eugene, Oregon
It's not too late to adjust the Colorado trip dates so I thought we'd have one discussion about it to be sure I have selected appropriate dates. My main concerns are related to alpine weather - specifically lightning. I know the lightning problem is worse mid summer and is worse some years than others. This can be a serious danger at certain times and would be best to plan around if possible.

So for those of you that have done the Alpine Loop or travelled a lot in the high mountains, what is your opinion on best dates?

I had lightning strike 20 feet in front of my truck in August a few years back. Very disconcerting.
With the big antenna on the truck..I'll be the local lightning rod.

We should attach a skillet to your antenna and put bacon in it. Then when you get struck by lightning there will be an upside - crispy hot bacon!
Heya DD/all...

It's impossible to predict the weather here in the high country. That said, the later in the September it gets the less chance there is of "boomers". (and the better chance there is you'll see Autumn/Aspen gold) In theend you just never know. We camped our first weekend in the Hawk Aug 10-12 and the snowline overnight was only a thousand or so feet above us (we were on the flank of Elbert @ 10-11K). It melted @ first get the picture, I'm sure.

In addition, the later in the Summer it gets the fewer people there are, especially familes with kids. Here in The Disneyland of the Rockies (Vail!) the crowds really thin out after Labor Day and the campsites begin to open up.

I personally would suggest (but don't shoulder any BLAME should it be a sh*tty week, LOL) that you delay 10 days, arriving Labor Day as most of the weekend/end-of-Summer vacation warriors are heading back to the Front Range to take their place in the 65 mile long traffic jam that happens every Sunday (Monday on 3 day weekends).

No matter whan you plan it, just bring yer shorts, yer Winter coat, and your wallet and you'll be fine!

mtn is right- there is no predicting the weather in the high country. We have an old saying here in CO (thought I'm sure used everywhere out west)- "if you don't like the weather, wait an hour". Heck, we could have hail too.

I would vote for after Labor day, perhaps around the 13th, but I'll try to make it work whenever you decide.
I'd vote for the weekend after Labor Day also. The afternoon thunderstorms usually wind down pretty well by then.

I'll be in Wisconsin over Labor Day weekend so I can't make it then.
Most definately, my favorite month of the year up here in the high country....September. You will still stand the chance of T-storms but less likely at that time, and the daytime temps are perfect.

Update: based on feedback from people Alpine Loop scheduled for Sept 11,12,13

Works for me
Does sound good. I may start putting a bug in the bosses ear real soon. Hope I can work this in somehow.
This works for me too. I'll mark my calendar and plan my trip accordingly.
If Jay is coming, I'll be there.

Time to begin the relentless prodding & prompting of SunMan and Tomas Tierra.....:D

I live about 2.5 hours north of the loop in the West Elk mountains. I would enjoy meeting you all even if I can only afford to take minimal time from work. As you can see, I do not have a FWC or ATC, but monitor the site almost everyday, and occasionally add my two cents worth . Although I have a Hallmark (and love it), I hope you will still consider me worthy of stopping by for a cocktail anyway. :D

Heya paul!

Do we have to threaten to come and get ya...'er what? :thumb: LOL
I'm sure everyone involved would love to see your rig...and WTW is about WTW, not the brand of camper anyone has. (though I vote that we don't allow floating Lance's ANYWHERE NEAR US...just to be clear) kinda think a few of us Colorado folks should have a get-together or two BEFORE September rolls around! Seems a shame to wait all Summer to round up the wagons and hoot and holler, ya know? Things are starting to melt out as we speak....

thanks for getting the ball rolling on this, DD.

ok, i missed it....where is the description of this place so i can find it on a map. is it near silverton?

did i miss a link?
I agree mtn-high, it would be great to get some folk together sometime this summer. I knew it wouldn't be a problem....ya know, the Hallmark thing and all. Just trying to get a chuckle. From what I have seen on this site, everyone is very welcoming, as long as we are all getting out there and chasing our passions.

Let me know if you get out this way. I spend a fair bit of time over on the western slope, and near Hotchkiss once the rivers go down and the fishing picks up.


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