Weekend runaway to Eastern Sierras


Site Team
Dec 27, 2006
East of Sacramento
We had a chance to get away for the weekend. It had been a while since we camped with the Ski3pins, so plans were made to meet at a rendezvous site we have used before. Like many others, we have been eagerly following his Montana trip report as it unfolds. But Ski is as good of a story teller in person as he is in writing, and we wanted to hear more about their trip. Plus there was a new area we wanted to explore and an old area that had been in the Washington fire that we were concerned about. So Friday night we headed out after work and arrived in camp just at dusk. After greetings and a late dinner, we watched the Perseids in the night sky before heading to bed.

In the morning we made our way to an area previously unexplored by any of us. This is why we sought out this location.


Ski3pin wanted to do some fly fishing. We explored the creek and found a place to establish camp. He carefully prepared his equipment, choosing the appropriate leader and fly.


We carefully approached the creek and soon spotted what we were looking for.


The master goes to work.


Success! Followed by a careful release, of course.

Meanwhile, The Lady took advantage of our distraction to pursue her usual desire – gain altitude.


This also happened to be opening day for bow hunting deer season. Fish and Wildlife have really stepped up their game. They came in quick and low over the trees. They circled close to make sure all was proper.



The next morning the Ski3pins went on a hike while we explored the immediate area some more before moving over to Heenan Lake. The Washington Fire had burned right up to the lake. We have enjoyed observing a Bald Eagle nest there for years. In April, we visited the lake and it appeared there were eggs in the nest. It is unlikely the chicks would have fledged before the fire. Was the tree and nest still intact? Did the chicks survive? We were afraid of what we might find but had to know. We hiked to the back of the lake. The fire had burned much of the forest on the west side, but the tree and the nest were intact. We observed a single adult eagle for over an hour, but no sign of the other adult or the chicks. Even though the tree did not burn, it is possible the smoke was too much for the chicks. We will probably never know, but at least we know the nest is still in use and can hope for a new brood next year.

Thanks for the news about the Heenan eagles,we have missed seeing them for a couple years now.
If the nest is still in tact they might use it next season.
Nice fish Ski caught.
Never amazes me just how little water the trout can live in.
Thanks for the photos.

Ted, it always makes for a special weekend when we meet up with you two. Your arrival Friday evening was documented from the top of that rocky point the Lady insisted we climb.


That was a special spot we found.


Fish & Wildlife came looking for me again on Sunday morning. I thought the chat with the warden on Saturday had taken care of the issues.



And Ted, I owe you one for not using any of those photos with fly line wrapped all around me or flies snagged up in trees.......................................
Another short classic, enjoyed it allot! I too was out on opening day up in the South Warners camping and day hiking/fishing at the Patterson CG :love: (forgot all about it until i was surprised by the arrival of all the trucks and atv's after a few days of being alone out there :eek: ) , but was ignored by the game warden as he drove by and not sure if that is good or bad :p ? I guess my lack of bow/arrows, happy dog w/ball in mouth, drink in hand and book on my lap took me off the list of those to be watched :ninja: !

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