Idaho & Colorado - August 2024


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Jun 30, 2009
Sierra Nevada Range
What a trip this was! We did so many things it is hard to recall it all. The photos help and raise the stories back to the surface. Parts one and two are completed and posted to our blog here -

Idaho & Colorado - August 2024 - Part One

Idaho & Colorado - August 2024 - Part Two

The final Part Three will follow as I get it completed. I appreciate your patience and we hope you enjoy the adventure along with us!

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What a trip this was! We did so many things it is hard to recall it all. The photos help and raise the stories back to the surface. Part one is completed and posted to our blog here -

Idaho & Colorado - August 2024 - Part One

The other parts will follow as I get them completed. I appreciate your patience and we hope you enjoy the adventure along with us!

Thank you for that. When home I’ll grab a coffee and read the text along with the great pictures!

Reminds me of my ‘09 wilderness hunt at Weminuchee in the San Juan National forest. We spike camped at 10,500. The No motorized vehicles, bikes, etc. was part of the allure to “getting lost” - away from man’s world.

Glad you enjoyed your trip😀
Funny how they put those KOAs by the busiest road around. If there is a train track that seems to be a desirable feature as well.

Oh, the power of a positive attitude. "It was meant to be"

A train did not go by on the RR tracks along the south side of the KOA in Craig, so I left that out of the narrative. :)
I remember Rock Springs.When Sharon and I got married 48 years ago we took a cross country drive in my Shelby GT 350. Our second stop was RS we still laugh at that town and the motel we stayed in.The whole interior was painted in "gray spatter paint".And I mean the whole interior.All the wood furniture the walls doors everything.The owners must have gotten a great deal on that paint.Driving through town just about every kid with a hot car wanted to race us.
Haven't been back through that town since.Once was enough.
One of your storm photos has a strange black line to the right side just above the ground in the clouds what was that?
You sure lucked out with the storms and getting your hikes in and places to camp.
It can be a challenge later in the summer with the stormy weather.
Beautiful country.
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