Adding electric refrigerator


New Member
Jan 3, 2009
I have an older Ranger II on my 08 Tacoma. It came with a ice box, i'd like to add a electric refrigerator. Does anyone have any experience / recommendations for what model might fit and how to configure it? Thanks!
Do a search on this site for DC or Compressor refrigerator. There are several threads on installing then. There are 3 main sizes appx 60 L 80L and 110L. Waeco (now Dometic), Truck Fridge and Isoderm are some of the manufactures. . Unless you want a chest style Engel Check the sites for sizes and dimensions.

My install is in my build blog. I went small as that is all I need for the way I camp. I wanted max storage in my camper build.

You will love what ever fridge you decide on.

Happy with my Isotherm 65. When measuring I didn't think the 85 would quite fit in the old hole so went with the smaller size and it has worked out fine. Once I add solar it will stay on all the time.
I think it depends on how big the 3-way was. For me going from an ice box to the Isotherm 85 I did have to enlarge the existing opening a little bit, but it was pretty easy to do. I considered the 65L also, but when I looked at the dimensions there was a lot of wasted space. The 85L is perfectly sized and I'm amazed at how much I can fit in there. Also, for the last month I've left it running full time in my driveway with only the solar and batteries running it. Works perfect with this set up.
My fridge is the smallest (1.9 cu/ft) of the 3-ways FWC offered in 2012. The 65L is equivalent to a 2.3 cu/ft. therefore somewhat larger than what I have now. Perhaps I can add storage space like Bill did.
You probably could, but the with the cost of the 2-way refrig and the simplicity of making the opening larger I'd lean toward getting the 85L and doing the work. Even my 85L has quite a bit of dead space on the left and right of the refrig, but there's nothing I can do about that. With the 65L you may have even more.

What ever you choose feel free to shoot me a PM if you have questions about my Isotherm install.

Bwht4x4 said:
I think it depends on how big the 3-way was. For me going from an ice box to the Isotherm 85 I did have to enlarge the existing opening a little bit, but it was pretty easy to do. I considered the 65L also, but when I looked at the dimensions there was a lot of wasted space. The 85L is perfectly sized and I'm amazed at how much I can fit in there. Also, for the last month I've left it running full time in my driveway with only the solar and batteries running it. Works perfect with this set up.
Maybe it is another thread someplace but what size solar and what size batteries are you running? I'm thinking about doing the same thing with my Isotherm 65L and currently have two flooded group 31's. Thought is to put 200W of solar on the roof for our PNW conditions and that should get me through any trips I can see at this point.
I'm running the Grape Solar 160 watt panel and two stock group 24 AGM batteries. As long as it's sunny and no shade from trees hit the panel the system will be full charged the next day, after running the refrig all night, in 3-4 hours. Pretty impressed on how it's working. I'm very happy I went with the 160 watt panel. I don't think you can have too much when it comes to solar panels.
I am confused by the frig types and terms. Some are propane only, some are propane and electric, and some are electric only? What is 2 way, 3 way, vs compressor?
DonC said:
I am confused by the frig types and terms. Some are propane only, some are propane and electric, and some are electric only? What is 2 way, 3 way, vs compressor?
Usually "3-way" is "propane", meaning it's primarily powered by burning propane, but can also run (sorta -- not very well) using DC or AC electric power to provide the heat that runs the system.
Propane + DC + AC = 3-way.
Internally it circulates a solution of ammonia and hydrogen gas -- there is no compressor.
(Are there fridges that are propane only? I'm not familiar with those.)

Some people use the term "2-way" to refer to a compressor-type fridge, "2" because the compressor may be able to run on DC or AC.
DC + AC = 2-way.
But I think that's confusing. I think that compressor fridges should be just called that -- "compressor" -- named for how they work rather than the number of possible power sources. (In fact, my compressor fridge runs only on DC, not on AC, so does that make it a "1-way" fridge?)
In this type of fridge the DC or AC doesn't heat a fluid, it runs a motor that turns a compressor -- it works the same way as the fridge that most people have in their house.

A better name for "propane" or "3-way" is the "real" name for that type of fridge: Absorption refrigerator (though few people call them that in everyday RV discussions).
In a perfect world there would be no talk of "3-way" or "2-way", you either have an "absorption fridge" or a "compressor fridge" -- naming the fridge based on it's operating principle rather than how many power sources can run it.
Some day... ;)
Yep, good answer Mark, but I'm still learning how to use my new Waeco 110 2-way-with a 100 w solar panel and two atm blue top batteries too. It's like figuring out what is coming in to my system from the solar panels and driving around, how much energy it takes to run the things i have and how much is stored in the batteries when there is no sun and how fast things recharge. In one of the threads on this site(everything you wanted to know about---) is a chart you can put together to find this out, but i'm still reading the very basics on how the system works (comptrollers, battery gages, etc.,) and hopefully I'll figure things out! Just keep asking questions and reading things and have fun!

Smokecreek1 said:
Yep, good answer Mark, but I'm still learning how to use my new Waeco 110 2-way with a 100 w solar panel and two atm blue top batteries too....
"2-way"...what's that? :unsure:
Do you mean "compressor fridge"?

Smoke, next time I see you and your camper I can try to help figure it out. Maybe at the Meadow Lake Rally, where others can offer their help, too.
I'm not an expert...but I think I understand how it's supposed to work in theory.

"In theory there is no difference between theory and practice, but in practice there is."
Let me look at your fridge, ummm right after the appetizers. I can see this making a good pic now :)
Seeking your opinion...I want to install ~2.0+ cu./ft. compressor AC/DC 12V refer in the same spot FWC installs their refers, drivers side near back door. The hole size equals that of a 1.9 cu./ft. 3 way. My question is: Does anyone have an opinion on a upright fridge/freezer vs. chest style portable. I'm thinking efficiency and if I go with chest style, I would secure it to a platform that I could pull out (of the opening), like a drawer. The brands of interest are Engel, Dometic and Isotherm.
I had the ice box and when I removed it I had to do a little cutting of the cabinet for the height, but I was able to get a Isotherm Cruise 85 in the location. I have a 160 watt solar panel and the two stock group 24 batteries so I don't worry too much about efficiency. However without solar or with a very small solar panel I would think efficiency would be very important. Overall I am very happy with the Isotherm and wouldn't hesitate to install another one or recommend it to others.


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