Custom Bobcat Shell - ATC Build


Advanced Member
May 24, 2014
One week with the new Bobcat and though we have only had the opportunity to sleep in it one night, we are really happy with it.

Marty and team made our vision a reality - it is exactly as we envisioned it…hopefully it will be as functional as as think it will...

We are used to backpacking and tent camping - converting our Honda Element seemed like a big upgrade, and obviously the Bobcat is a whole different level. That being said, we wanted to keep it simple - no stove, no sink…just a warm living space that we can use year round and not have to worry about winterizing.

I wanted to post a few pictures of the couch/bed/table set-up that Marty and team built for us. So far, it seems like it is going to work out great. We have a u-shaped couch that starts a smallish bed and coverts to wider (twin size) bed with the table insert.

Here is a picture without the table insert:

the back slides out where the table fits (and provides nice storage):

with the table in place:

and the cushion:

looking forward to many comfy nights...
shoestring said:
One week with the new Bobcat and though we have only had the opportunity to sleep in it one night, we are really happy with it.

Marty and team made our vision a reality - it is exactly as we envisioned it…hopefully it will be as functional as as think it will...

looking forward to many comfy nights...
Looks great! Thanks for the photos and we look forward to seeing more. You and your family are going tp have lots of fun in your new camper! Best wishes for many more comfy nights! :)
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