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    • JaSAn
      . . . this is how you googled for term papers in college:
      • 1Googling in 1970.jpg
    • JaSAn
      I was born in the first half of the 1900's.
    • JaSAn
      When I was young 50 seemed elderly. Now at 75 - 95 seems about right. "Eventually you reach a point when you stop lying about your age...
    • JaSAn
      JaSAn reacted to craig333's post in the thread Top highway speed with Like Like.
      I could cruise 80 but I'm retired and not in a hurry.
    • JaSAn
      When on my truck the camper is loaded with everything except perishable food and tools that I use often and don't have duplicates of...
    • JaSAn
      JaSAn replied to the thread Phone photos.
      Is there anywhere in the country that is smoke free? We have haze and beautiful sunrise/sunsets here in Minnesota.
    • JaSAn
      JaSAn replied to the thread F350 scissor jack.
      I would think there are bad legal repercussions for supplying a factory jack that will not lift more than GA(xle)WR. I have used mine...
    • JaSAn
      JaSAn replied to the thread New problem...
      My experience has been that the newer 'smart' chargers will not charge a battery with very low voltage. For that you need an old 'dumb'...
    • JaSAn
      JaSAn replied to the thread pondering a new camper.
      I have a FWC Grandby with the bed down across the front for the same reason as you state (my build is in my signature). The twin bed...
    • JaSAn
      JaSAn replied to the thread I need to hear a good new joke.
      Someone posted this on our lab window at work:
      • 1theory.jpg
    • JaSAn
      JaSAn reacted to nikonron's post in the thread Diesel Heater Installs with Like Like.
      The sleeve is a piece of 2" aluminum pipe tack welded to 3/16" aluminum plate and drilled out for the exhaust to pass through. Tried to...
    • JaSAn
      JaSAn replied to the thread Snow Broke my FWC Hawk Roof.
      This is as far as I could magnify it before it started to pixelate: It looks to me like the discolored back and bottom inside of the...
      • 1blowup.jpg
    • JaSAn
      JaSAn replied to the thread More Issues at Trailheads.
      Gotta change my story: Instead of telling people that the roof of my Grandby was damaged by hail I can tell them a mountain goat danced...
    • JaSAn
      JaSAn replied to the thread Jasper under evacuation.
      Your wife is a cool driver; not a white knuckle to be seen. I hope everyone got out safe. Breathing the smoke is almost as bad. Back in...
    • JaSAn
      JaSAn replied to the thread Collapsing wheels.
      Weigh the truck with loaded camper. Weigh the truck without camper. Subtract. CAT scale gives weight on each axle and total weight:
      • 1cat.jpg
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