WTW format

I hear you, camelracer.
I'm getting better at finding the unread posts per forum, but it has been somewhat of a struggle as it is new to me & I had more than 10 years rooting around in the old one. We'll get there but it is not as efficient moving around because it's new to me.

We have had a big advantage in that the admin team is attentive and has addressed complaints. They all have better muscle memory due to implementing & porting old forum pages to the new format but still addressing posted complaints.

I'm hopeful. :cautious:

Sucks? Not at all, in fact exactly the opposite. The migration was handled exceptionally well, and the administrative team has been on the small exceptions like a hound dog after a hamburger.

If you wouldn’t mind, please tell us where the problems are.
I"ve gone through a number of site upgrades on various sites and this is by far the easiest to adjust to I've seen yet. I was worried I'd hate it (I'm old and don't like change) but its easy to adjust to.
I like the new design and think it’s an improvement for user experience.

Search has always been a challenge, I generally use a web search e.g. to find posts about ATC Panther campers enter this string in your web browser: site:wanderthewest.com + "panther"
I like it. The muscle memory will fade like all memory apparently! Have to admit I miss the "Today's Birthdays" box or maybe I just haven't found it!
I am beginning to get used to the new format.
One thing I have notice is when I clicked on the "new joke" thread it went all the way back to the beginning.
I have noticed this on other threads also.
I am beginning to get used to the new format.
One thing I have notice is when I clicked on the "new joke" thread it went all the way back to the beginning.
I have noticed this on other threads also.
If you have seen the thread, you should be taken to the newest post (for you) BUT... the software uses cookies to keep track of this and land you in the right place so if you are clearing all cookies after you leave the site or as you browse, you may go to post 1 instead.
I have been using a similar format on a forestry chainsaw forum, so it was easy for the switch.

What I do like is the way to post images. It is super easy now and I don'[t have to email images from the phone to myself and down size them to post here. Last trip I had many cool images along the way taken with my phone. Being on the road I was not going to painfully try to post any of them here. Now for the next trip it is going to be very easy to post on the "Cell Photo".

New posts - WTW

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