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  1. AWG_Pics

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Influencer fined $285

    Another example of the "Look at me! Aren't I cute!" culture of narcissistic behavior. I suppose she does not care about the shame most of us would feel as long as she gets to be the center of attention. However briefly. Truth is, I just read the article and have already forgotten her name.
  2. AWG_Pics

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West New monument

    II have not been there but it looks interesting. Will keep an eye out for permitted use designations. Glad to see this new national monument.
  3. AWG_Pics

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Found my leak

    The best persistent problems are those with an easy fix. Congratulations!
  4. AWG_Pics

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Dark Sky folks

    It is a great resource. Lots of interesting sites. I am surprised Great Basin National Park is not included. They have an active dark sky event roster when high elevation campgrounds are open. Here is a view of night lights from orbit...
  5. AWG_Pics

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West The Wildlife Photography Thread

    Great photo Steve! Majestic!
  6. AWG_Pics

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Mapping help

    Rob, I cannot answer your question. I can share that I am the obsessive compulsive preplanner, going so far as making lists and saving lots of spots into our Garmin Drivesmart 65 before the trip begins. I have now learned the 'options person', my wife, generates those options as we are...
  7. AWG_Pics

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West A practical old Geologist explains geology in ordinary language

    His latest video uses google earth quite a bit. That may help with locating where he is talking about. You are welcome, Foy. I was leery of the biggest landslide video, but then found it to be really interesting. Steve, he has me looking forward to the next videos he produces. Just good solid guy.
  8. AWG_Pics

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West A practical old Geologist explains geology in ordinary language

    Yes they are. So glad not to have the hype, music, weird grins and rapid fire narration.
  9. AWG_Pics

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West A practical old Geologist explains geology in ordinary language

    Glad you liked him. It is almost like walking around with him while he sort of thinks out loud.
  10. AWG_Pics

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West A practical old Geologist explains geology in ordinary language

    If you have not watched any of Myron Cook's video explainers on geology, you are in for a treat. He is gradually expanding beyond Wyoming to other parts of the west, but much of what he says can be used anywhere.
  11. AWG_Pics

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Klamath River

    It will take some time to heal the rivers, bogs, side channels and wetlands after dam removal. The healed land and water will not be the same as the pre-existing terrain that existed before the dams, but it will heal, be more natural and have a greater diversity of wild things. A good outcome...
  12. AWG_Pics

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Klamath River

    A net good result. The fish are getting hammered by high water temperatures and various consequent diseases. Though hard on irrigators, it is a positive for many, including the electric utility, the tribes and the recreation and tourism economy. In the rush to build dams in every conceivable...
  13. AWG_Pics

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West CO2/ propane detector going off

    When mine goes off, usually when there is high humidity, I push the front reset button and open the battery compartment door a bit. Seems to stop the beeping every time.
  14. AWG_Pics

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West My Fall Trip

    Thanks for the trip report. We wandered down to those petroglyphs once a few years ago. There was no one around and we just wanted to stretch our legs. Imagine our surprise at seeing all the relocated petroglyphs! Not every trip goes according to plan. Actually, I have never had one go...
  15. AWG_Pics

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West RV' much longer?

    If you will allow a few points from an old petroleum geophysicist turned environmental cleanup and restoration person: - Peak Oil has been predicted to be not far off, over the last 70 years, by my last count, some 20 plus times, always moving the target further into the future. As CKent said...
  16. AWG_Pics

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Where/how to mount lincense plate on camper (WA)

    Short self tapping sheet metal screws driven in through a dab of silicon seal.
  17. AWG_Pics

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Story Map in depth analysis of Marshall Fire in Colorado

    This is a fascinating close look at most, if not all, aspects of the Marshall Fire in late December last year. Very informative way to present lots of complex data.
  18. AWG_Pics

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Southeastern Utah - October 2022

    Excellent trip report, Bill. Thanks for sharing. Great photos as usual.
  19. AWG_Pics

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Where/how to mount lincense plate on camper (WA)

    If you zoom in on this photo, you can see where we placed our Oregon plate (orange).
  20. AWG_Pics

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Two Men Sentenced For Rock Art Vandalism in Nevada

    The stupid was strong in these two yahoos. A year in prison just may make them, and others, think a little.
  21. AWG_Pics

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Loss of Glaciers

    Well said. My agreement wholeheartedly. The sentence I extracted and bolded is the only reality that has any chance of being effective. The error our modern social society falls into is: "I see a problem (in this case climate change), we must do something fix it!" But, overwhelmingly bad...
  22. AWG_Pics

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Loss of Glaciers

    I am saddened by the loss of what I knew to exist not so long before my lifetime. As conciliation, I remind myself that, between 15,000 and 13,000 years ago, the site of Seattle was covered by ice as much as a mile thick. Human climate change has accelerated the warming of our planet causing...
  23. AWG_Pics

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West The Wildlife Photography Thread

    You are really getting the hang of your new camera, Steve. Very nice detail on both birds.
  24. AWG_Pics

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Surprise Valley, Northeast California - October 2022

    But, but, but... you could get a half of a beet or some dirty carrots or even a flying tomato from their artisanal farm! Looks ritzy, and we would only go there if a close relative was getting married there. Don't you have relatives in AZ? Anyone need a wedding venue? And if you go, you should...
  25. AWG_Pics

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Wandering from Tennessee to Alaska

    Sounds like a very fun excursion / adventure. I have driven back and forth from North Pole, near Fairbanks through Tok and down to Valdez. Very good roads. Lots of uninhabited miles. Mosquitos are thick in places. Be bear aware. Looking forward to your after trip report.
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