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  1. EY

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Jacks

  2. EY

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Jacks

    The 12040 I linked is free standing version with a tripod at the bottom and a big lip to fit under at the top. They don't attach. I should have been clearer.
  3. EY

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Jacks

    My Raven didn't come with jacks. It's a shell and since 2018, has never been off the truck. I use one mount for an AT gas can. I don't want to pull everything apart the rare times I need/want to pull the shell. Anyone have any experience with something like a Rieco Titan 4 pack or have a better...
  4. EY

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West U.S. made Aluminum flatbed?

    I've looked at a lot of them. If you just need a flatbed, that one thing, but if you want well conceived, well built, extra storage, I haven't seen anything as cool as Sherptek. Maybe Highway Products could get you there, by copying a Sherptek. They make nice stuff too.
  5. EY

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Oregon Coast

    Certainly between Florence and CA, but I think a little further north too. I'm not talking so much about the paved lookouts, but the gravel ones. The paved ones near Pistol River are all OK though.
  6. EY

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Oregon Coast

    Unless posted, you can stop for 12h or less anywhere on the S 101. Most of the posted signs are in city limits or formal paved lookouts. That said, with easy access, nice weather and homelessness the way it has been of recent, it could be gross. I just don't know if I want to "camp" on the...
  7. EY

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Oregon Coast

    I really like Haceta Beach just North of Florence, but I've never been there mid-summer. Can't camp there either.
  8. EY

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Oregon Coast

    That's the only area of USFS that goes to the ocean. The Siuslaw is big though. I was hoping someone who'd been there might chime in on dispersed camping locations.
  9. EY

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Oregon Coast

    Thanks! We know the coast well because we live inland in Southern Oregon. Where to dispersed camp is a different question though. I was hoping to find USFS or BLM land close enough to the water that we could at least see, hear and smell it, but no luck thus far, short of river bars and pullouts.
  10. EY

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Oregon Coast

    I've been scouring CalTopo and Google Maps looking for someplace on the southern to central Oregon coast where we can pop the top and enjoy the ocean. I know we can take a chance on finding an unoccupied pull out because that's legal on much of 101. We could camp on a bar on the Chetco or the...
  11. EY

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Fire and Smoke Map

    This is my favorite. Although it is for Oregon, it covers the whole US the best I can tell. It's not just fire, but weather, earthquakes, traffic, even the eclipse path and band of totality. You need to activate only the layers you want, otherwise it is too distracting. Real-time Assessment and...
  12. EY

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Should Trip Reports be a thing of the past ?

    I looked it up on AltaVista. It thought I was looking for Googol, a 1 followed by 100 zeros. :)
  13. EY

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Should Trip Reports be a thing of the past ?

    Alabama Hills is a classic example of an Instagram ruined location. I agree with everyone else that non-geolocated pics are the way to go if you want to report. I appreciate the way the above mentioned posters do it and like seeing their reports. We're preaching to the choir though. Instagram...
  14. EY

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Shakedown trip to Morro Bay

    My son went to school at Cal Poly. I love that area!
  15. EY

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Low maintenance Suspension mods - timbren / helper spring / other?

    We have Helwig's and 4800s (same guts as 5100, just not height adjustable). It's pretty similar to the Suburban we had of the same era set up like that. I feel the weight, but it isn't that different. It's a fairly cheap thing to try. Unlike the bumper options, it adds a real leaf. I second...
  16. EY

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Best Cold Weather Tips

    Welcome! You’re probably better off starting a new thread. You’ll get more eyes that way as my thread has been open for a while. Good luck! BTW, we’ve spent multiple nights in the teens and low twenties and regularly pop the top at the ski area. I see a little condensation, but not much. That’s...
  17. EY

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Best Cold Weather Tips

    Which one did you install?
  18. EY

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Two week quarantines in CA, OR, WA - no recreation travel

    The most sensitive daily check you can probably do is to stick your nose in your coffee beans every day or smell an orange. Anosmia (loss of smell) and hyposmia (reduced smell) are nearly ubiquitous and last much longer that the fever, IF you get a fever at all. Good luck and have fun...
  19. EY

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Two week quarantines in CA, OR, WA - no recreation travel

    The tape doesn't stop fogging because it seals a procedure/surgeons mask. The taped edge forces the vapor to vent out the sides. Tape all 4 sides and it will fog again if the conditions are right. A fully sealed N95 can still fog glasses as the vapor particles are small enough to penetrate...
  20. EY

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Best Cold Weather Tips

    My biggest concern beyond that is how finicky they are reported to be. They apparently need to be cleaned yearly and that requires complete removal of the unit.
  21. EY

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Best Cold Weather Tips

    We too have a Raven Shell with a factory heater. We put Nemo Switchback mats under the mattress, Reflectix in the windows and changed out the thermostat to one that will go down to 35. It made a big difference. We've done multiple high teens/low 20s nights since with no problem. At the end of...
  22. EY

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Repeater freqs in Death Valley?

    The beauty of a PLB is that there's no subscription. Over the 7 year life expectancy of the battery, assuming a purchase price of $289, that equates to less than $3.50 per month. A battery is roughly $100, so it's even cheaper for the subsequent years. Pretty powerful tool for the price of a...
  23. EY

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Propane Capacity?

    This one stopped at 18 pounds, but the TW of the tank is 14.4. I think I just opened the valve too quickly. We'll see. Thanks!
  24. EY

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Propane Capacity?

    One extra firm twist coming up!
  25. EY

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Propane Capacity?

    Thanks! I'll switch back and give it a try. Also, this happened in the middle of the night once. I thought I was out, but I bet I wasn't. Any way to proactively prevent that?
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