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  1. K7MDL

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Refrigerator Lighting Problem - On the Road

    Like above, a simple removal of the shield, wipe my finger over the burner tip and nearby parts to remove some surface crust, and back in business.
  2. K7MDL

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Chasing an electrical gremlin!

    With that description, I would suspect your GFI outlet itself, or the cords. Does a saw or other 3 wires device plugged into that GFI outlet work fine?
  3. K7MDL

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West 20th Annual Black Dog Dual Sport Ride and Clean-up

    For the record the course on Day 1 was closer to 207 miles, about 9 hours of riding with a short lunch break near Wamic, OR. Day 2 was spent mostly on the county trails west of Hood River for about 65 miles. Snow kept us in the lower elevations, with some long pavement bypasses as a result of...
  4. K7MDL

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Chasing an electrical gremlin!

    This may sound silly, sorry, but did you ensure your extension cord is not the problem? As for inside, the open ground issue: Does your bare ground wire connect to the white wire anywhere you can see? If it does then you have 2 paths for ground and that reduces teh chances of seeing an open...
  5. K7MDL

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Someone Stop me, Oops, too late!

    Visiting Bend 2 nights July 1 and 2. Hope to see the rig on the roads for the long weekend.
  6. K7MDL

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Laundry

    Fill a large dry bag with your dirty laundry, fill 3/4 full with water and some soap of your choice, seal the top, let most of the air out. Shake it up a bit. Leave it lay out in the sun all day (like a solar shower, will soak and heat up). Go have fun. Come back, shake and punch it up some...
  7. K7MDL

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West FWC Eagle ready but we aren't

    ... We are so excited. This is a big deal, a life changer, and our ticket to explore our great nation. We have a Senior Parks Pass and are buying the Discover Pass which covers Washington State parks, DNR, Fish and Game. A few maps, guidebooks and directories and we are set. For the National...
  8. K7MDL

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Upgrading from 3-way fridge..

    The 100Watt panel should offer no more than 7 or 8 amps. Not sure where your 20amp measurement came from. Wild guess here, but any chance you have one of the panels polarity reversed? Is there any information that shows both panels have diode isolation against reverse current flow? A panel...
  9. K7MDL

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Building a back porch

    I got to use a friends Versa Hauler this past weekend. Nice unit but for $525.00 plus freight to pricey for me. This back porch sounds great till you try one. With the BRP as Barko calls it, I would need two extra sets of hands to load and tie down. I think my trailer is worth its weight in...
  10. K7MDL

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West So what did you do to your camper this week?

    The front antenna looks like a screwdriver type ham radio HF (aka Shortwave) antenna, probably mounted on his front bumper as they tend to be fairly tall. It is called a screwdriver antenna design as some models used a cordless screwdriver motor and gears to turn a lead screw and raise and lower...
  11. K7MDL

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West What is your MPG with FWC ?

    Does your 2005 have the MDS hemi? Are you 2x4 or 4x4? You're getting a bit higher than I'm getting on my 2003 1500 5.7 hemi 4x4, however I do travel a bit faster (usually moving about 5-7 over). I seem to be in the 12.5range when I'm going 70-75mph. I've been 13.5-14mpg when doing more...
  12. K7MDL

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West What is your MPG with FWC ?

    Just did a 500 mile round trip all lowland and without a MC trailer this time. 2005 Dodge 2500 long box with Grandby, 5.7 hemi, stock tires, loaded up with 1 person and 400lbs combined motorcycle and hitch carrier, On my return trip frokm Hood River, OR to Seattle I got 14.5mpg indicated...
  13. K7MDL

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Midges in the camper

    The no-see-ums in eastern WA are attracted to the interior light and pass right through the screens. Had to close the windows, leave one light on, and used a towel to trap/squish them and shake them off outside. Once all the lights were out later that night, I opened some windows back up and...
  14. K7MDL

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Wiring in My 12 Refridgerator

    A fuse is used to protect the weakest link. As a general rule you want fuses close to the source of power, and you size them to protect the *wire* in case it gets damaged. The wire should larger or equal to what the load requires. That means for only one load on your power wire you can use...
  15. K7MDL

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Adding high mounted turn and center brake lights

    Thanks for those pics Stan. I should be able to verify the prewire by looking under the insulation in the refer compartment back wall. I can see that attempting to pull a wire using the existing one is out of the question. It does appar that one I break into one of the upper rear top tubes I...
  16. K7MDL

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Adding high mounted turn and center brake lights

    I plan to carry a motorcycle on a hitch mounted carrier that will mostly obstruct the rear truck tail lights. I can add lights to the carrier, but I would also like to add them up high along the top back edge of my 2006 Grandby camper. I also like the idea of adding a flood light on the back...
  17. K7MDL

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Summer on the road

    Tin roofs and rain. My house has a fancy aluminum, warranted for 50 years. 50 years of rain pinging off the roof as well! You get used to it mostly over time. Some people play recordings of that sounds to relax with, along with beach waves and aviary noises. My solution is either a Zune...
  18. K7MDL

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West fridge's and desert heat.

    I rarely turn on my 3-way fridge for weekends. Instead I slip in several "Blue Ice" units. About 4-6 of these in various sizes keeps my stuff cold for 2-3 days. It also helps to precool the stuff going in. It gets cold enough that I occasionally have the blue ice plastic case frozen to a shelf.
  19. K7MDL

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Upgrading from 3-way fridge..

    One reason to not shift your entire fuse panel and all it's loads to a small solar charge controller, it is probably not rated for all the loads you may need at any one time, worst case. If you do elect to use the load terminals ( and is rated to handle your loads), be careful of where your...
  20. K7MDL

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Upgrading from 3-way fridge..

    Hopefully each panel is diode isolated. If so then the idle (dark) panel is isolated and offers no help and also no load - so no problem. Each contributes it share without much regard to the other. The heavier wire would only be needed where they combine down to the controller. As...
  21. K7MDL

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Artical on butt splices, crimpers, tinned wire, heat shrink

    So my question is, should we just solder all splices or how do they hold up? Properly crimped connections do not need soldering. When I choose to solder them, it is usually because I did not have a proper crimp tool so the crimp I did was to make the soldering easier. One area I choose to...
  22. K7MDL

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Wiring from truck to camper

    The truck beds may be composite (newer Toyotas), rubber mounted, or bolts between painted chassis frames and truck bed and not a guaranteed good electrical connection. My 2005 Dodge RAM trucks have a braided bonding strap between the front of the bed and rear of the cab. It looks like it...
  23. K7MDL

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Upgrading from 3-way fridge..

    His question kicked up a vague memory of mine but I can't find anything to back it up off hand. I though I recalled somewhere doing it like the picture as opposed to both off one battery might have a benefit of ensuring the charge drives through all the cells where as having them both on one...
  24. K7MDL

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Upgrading from 3-way fridge..

    Batteries in parallel should be matched, brand, size, and age. For disimilar batteries you could use a battery selector switch selecting only 1 at a time for load if they are different. The selected one is also the only one that gets charged, so you have to remember to switch batteries...
  25. K7MDL

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Wiring from truck to camper

    The negative wire size is the same as the positive wire size since you have no other reliable DC return connection back to the battery. Consider the batery to battery a closed circuit. Then look at each piece and find the weakest link in the system and ask if it is up to the task. If it goes...
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