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  1. K6ON

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West I-phone photo size

    I'm sure someone has gone over this in the past but for the life of me I can't remember the answer. What is the size I need to reduce a picture in oreder to be able to post it here? Thanks. Under 500K total.
  2. K6ON

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West 100W solar panel on sale at Costco

    100 watt solar panel on sale at Costco for $149.99 including shipping through 2/28/13.
  3. K6ON

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West lift panel quick fix?

    I think your estimate on having the end panels replaced is a bit high. A friend had ATC do the end panels on his Grandby a while back, and if my memory still works, it was around $500.00. You might call and get an estimate. I also think bad end panels will really lower the saleability and price...
  4. K6ON

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West XPCamper on the move to bigger digs

    Had to be in Grass Valley yesterday so made it a point to stop by and see Marc's new digs. Great shop and lots of new tools. Made me drool over his new milling machine. Marc was gracious as usual, and Toni was there too so got to say hi to her. Wish I wasn't living on a fixed retirement income...
  5. K6ON

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Thought you all might like this video of our rig

    This video was taken of our rig going over Mengal Pass in Death Valley. :) Who says you can't rock climb with a big ol' Dodge Diesel with a camper on the back! Great video !
  6. K6ON

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Brannan Island State Park

    Does anyone know of places to camp out on the Delta that are not RV park type places? Thank you, Darryl Virtually all the land around the Delta is private and most is farmland. I've been around the area since about 1970 and don't remember any "dry camping" area's. That being said, there are...
  7. K6ON

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Brannan Island State Park

    Only eight beers on tap? Reminds me its been ages since I've been down there. Matter of fact I haven't been on a boat since someone torched my buddies Grady. Craig, if you need a boating fix let me know..You've seen pics of my scow..It's pretty comfortable, even in winter ;) I spent last...
  8. K6ON

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Brannan Island State Park

    Hello all. I'm finally heading down to the Delta, unfortunately without a boat. I can't talk my friend into bringing his down there. We'll be down in that area for around three days towards the end of February. A few questions comes to mind. I would love to at least bring a bait caster and...
  9. K6ON

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Fans of Bacon Needed

    Done !
  10. K6ON

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Merry Christmas Everyone !

    Yummly tip: 10 out of 10 Reindeer prefer bacon too.
  11. K6ON

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Merry Christmas Everyone !

    Wishing all my Wander The West friends and family a Merry Christmas… Happy Hanukah… Joyce Kwanza… Fruitful Boxing Day… a great Feast of Our Theotokos, a nice Las Posadas, celebratory Dies Natalis Solis Invicti and a holy Mawlid. What ever you happen to believe or celebrate I truly hope it’s...
  12. K6ON

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West End of the World Coming

    Have a drink..
  13. K6ON

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West End of the World Coming

    Sorry to burst your bubble, Oreo's comes to the rescue...
  14. K6ON

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Some Inspiration

    Thanks Ski, for some much needed inspiration after yesterday.
  15. K6ON

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Think I could give up the FWC for one of these.

    Being a "boat guy" and also loving the classic lines of Airstream trailers, here's their new "Land Yacht" concept. Still a single-wide, but wow, really nice inside :-)
  16. K6ON

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Thermostat ideas?- want to switch to timer

    What you're looking for is a thermostat with adjustable hysteresis, the ability to adjust the temperature differential between heat on and heat off. There are a few commercial ones out there, and I've seen a few DIY projects if you have basic electronic skills. Do a google search on adjustable...
  17. K6ON

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West How 'Dust Proof' are FWC

    Yes, the frame around the door has been changed for reinforcement. The rounded door doesn't have much affect on the camper frame, however the rounded door is a much stronger door because of less joints and no mitered corners to break apart. Pictures ??
  18. K6ON

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Yet another refigerator topic

    I have an Engel 45, a 100 watt solar panel, and two group 31 batteries in the camper. The longest I've been parked in one spot is 4 days, and the solar kept the batteries up just fine with the Engel running in freezer mode. Go for it.
  19. K6ON

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Finally went and did it

    What makes you think you had any privacy before the license ?? SMUD likes it when I run the Henry amp, but I don't use it a lot. Usually use it when breaking a pileup for a rare DX station and generally get heard first call :-). You want boat pictures, here ya go..One is a scan of an old QSL...
  20. K6ON

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Finally went and did it

    Just checked and now you're in the QRZ database. Find yourself here :
  21. K6ON

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Finally went and did it

    Craig, I own a fair sized boat and ham gear doesn't even come close. Well, after being a ham for 50 years I do own a lot of ham gear so maybe in total it might come somewhat close, but I don't have to pay a marina every month to store my ham station. Absolutely, go for the General, and the...
  22. K6ON

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Finally went and did it

    Craig Let me be the first on WTW to say congratulations on the new license and call sign. Was wondering if it was actually going to happen..Have fun. 73, de Bob, K6ON Thanks to RTF (the rubicon trail foundation) I finally have my ham license. KK6AUI Technician. I was...
  23. K6ON

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Raccoons

    After having rodents entering my camper when the turnbuckle doors were open to allow airflow, I came up with the following. A second door with a screen. A scrap piece of paneling, a 4"hole saw, some scrap aluminum screen, Scotch 77 spray adhesive, and tape did the trick. While it won't keep a...
  24. K6ON

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West *#&$ you California

    Look around for Scepter military fuel cans. I bought two on eBay several years ago and love them. I can dump 5 gallons in one minute with the military spout. Expensive, but worth every cent.
  25. K6ON

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West What is this thing

    They look more like dashboard lights...
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