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  1. GR

    Buffalo Valley Nevada & Beyond - May 2017

    Very nice Trip Report. Some of those places you visited looked too green to be in Nevada. I guess we have the wet winter to thank for that. It's too bad about "the" hot spring being closed to the public. It was probably only a matter of time before someone ruined it for everyone. I'm just...
  2. GR

    New Panther is born

    nice rig...enjoy
  3. GR

    The All Terrain Campers photo thread

    Black Rock Playa Memorial Day Weekend 2017
  4. GR

    Trip Report: 2017 BLACK ROCK RENDEZVOUS

    I just got back from my annual trip to the Black Rock Desert where I enjoyed a weekend at the Black Rock Rendezvous. Below is a link to my blog: 2017 Black Rock Rendezvous
  5. GR

    BLACK ROCK RENDEZVOUS 2017 Memorial Day Weekend

    If you're looking for a great way to kick off the summer, join us at the Black Rock Rendezvous for a great weekend of camping, tours, education, service projects, family fun and an incredible Dutch oven cook-off/potluck with Friends of Nevada Wilderness, Friends of the Black Rock High Rock and...
  6. GR

    I need to hear a good new joke

    Tom was a single guy living at home with his father and working in the family business. When he found out he was going to inherit a fortune once his sickly father died, he decided he needed a wife with which to share his fortune...
  7. GR

    Trees - April 2017

    I know a big fire hazard has been removed and you can now get more sun, but I don't know if I could be that practical. Something short circuits in me when I think about cutting a tree down. I think it's because, coming from southern New Mexico where there aren't a lot of trees, makes every one...
  8. GR

    I need to hear a good new joke

    NOT ALL SENIORS ARE SENILE A balding, white haired man from Naples, Florida , walked into a jewelry store this past Friday evening with a beautiful much younger gal at his side. He told the jeweler he was looking for a special ring for his girlfriend. The jeweler looked through his stock and...
  9. GR

    White Rim Trail - Canyonlands NP - April 2017

    What an EPIC journey you had. I'm sooo jealous. Thanks for sharing this and inspiring me to book mark this on my bucket list. The plant that you didn't know the name of kind of reminded me of a turquoise zia (I liked the shape of it too).
  10. GR

    Jersey Valley Nevada - May 2017

    Hot springs, hot springs everywhere, but not a pool in which to soak... I'm curious as to your mention of an acetylene tank missing. What was acetylene used for in those towers? Thanks for sharing another adventure with us.
  11. GR

    Spring Break - Into the Western Great Basin - April 2017

    First of all, I want to send my condolences to you and The Lady for the loss of her mother. I lost my 99 year old grandmother a couple of years ago and no matter how old they are, it's still very hard. It's a shame that such a nice little hot spring like that would have to be at the end of an...
  12. GR


    Congrats! I'm four months from being eligible to retire and five years from mandatory, so I'll be joining the ranks of the AARP crowd soon. I can't even imagine that boredom will be a problem.
  13. GR

    Wandered over to the springs

    Saline Valley is one of my favorite places to visit. I hope you post some pics.
  14. GR

    Texas Trip - 2017

    I really liked your brewery pics. I might have to start including breweries in my travels. Thanks
  15. GR

    Saline Valley From the Air

    Awesome. The low flying jets at SV are one of my favorite things about the place, although I've never seen them buzz the hot springs as low as this guy was flying.
  16. GR

    Extended Summer - Lots of Pics!

    I just got caught up on your last two posts and all I can say is WOW. You really know what you're doing behind that camera of yours. As for walking to Alaska, was I seeing right or did he have on some big, heavy rubber boots? He's hardcore nevertheless. Thanks for sharing--I always enjoy...
  17. GR

    The Blue Sphinx & Poinsettia Nevada - March 2017

    You two always manage to find the neatest places. I'm finally getting a chance to get caught up on my Wander the Westing and your trip reports are a good way to start. Thanks
  18. GR

    Mono Diggings - March 2017

    You had me at the first picture. Whenever I'm near Santa Rosa, CA, I stop at Russian River for a Pliny. I even managed to find one of Ted's hidden Pliny's near Truckee a couple of years ago. It looked like you all had a great time and picked a very nice place to "just get away." I'm sure I'm...
  19. GR

    Discount Tire?

    I had a GREAT experience with Discount Tire. So much so, that I wrote them the following letter of appreciation: October 8, 2014 Shane Murray...
  20. GR

    Picking up my Bobcat shell

    Congrats and looking forward to your pics.
  21. GR


    Tally sheet updated.
  22. GR


    I'll update the post soon with your dates clikr Sent from my SM-G920V using Wander The West mobile app
  23. GR

    2017 ATC Get Together (Everyone is Welcome) July 27-30

    That sounds like fun. I'm assuming our FWC brothers would also be welcome. Sent from my SM-G920V using Wander The West mobile app
  24. GR

    Yosemite - January 2017

    I finally got a free moment to read your Yosemite TR and it was great, as usual. I really liked the B&W version of your photo with the tree. You've inspired me to try a little more B&W in the future. I've never been to Yosemite in the winter, but like a lot of things, it's on my bucket list...
  25. GR

    Death Valley National Park - December 2016

    What a wonderful TR; I really enjoyed reading all about your trip. I especially liked the conversation the Lady had with the sheep (I can almost hear it in my head). I wouldn't have thought a sheep would sleep so soundly to let you all get that close. As for the butt-head with the bright...
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