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  1. LuckyDan

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West lift panel quick fix?

    Sorta totally off subject but how did you get your appears to be original inside canvas so clean and bright looking? I've scrubbed on mine as best I can on the inside and came nowhere near making it look as good as yours. Any tips to share?
  2. LuckyDan

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Public Service Announcement

    It rains here non-stop for 9 months a year. I pop it and put it away wetter :( And the floor gets wet from my boots. Yeah, but the 3 months it doesn't rain are pretty ding dang nice. That and the salmon/steelhead fishing is about as good as it gets. If it really gets too wet. one word...
  3. LuckyDan

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Stupid question: Airing down tires

    Any thoughts on tire repair kits like these two? I don't use those specific kits but do have one like those in both my personal vehicle...
  4. LuckyDan

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Advice on selling 2010 Hawk

    Probably the biggest reason people leave the FWC community for something else is the "room" issue. As for price, as new as yours is and nice as yours sounds I'd start at something like 90-95% of new and go from there. As fast as these things tend to sell if your price doesn't generate interest...
  5. LuckyDan

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Bolting FWC to bed of 2005-2013 Toy Tacoma

    Something you may want to consider is the amount of flex you can expect when using your truck off the pavement. Though the bed is mounted to the frame there typically is not a 1 to 1 correlation between the amount and direction of frame flex and the bed flex when encountering a stressor like...
  6. LuckyDan

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Camping in Boulder, NV

    I'd offer my mother in law's driveway, but you're a contributor to WTW, so thus should be spared that exposure. I've seen people dry camped along the north shore in places but not close to Boulder City. Somewhere on her was a trip report about boon docking at Lake Mead. Maybe a search of the...
  7. LuckyDan

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Truck camper tie-downs (non-FWC)

    I have the Happijac system that I use to mount my Grandby on the outside of the bed. That and the Torklikt are the only two hard mount systems currently in production that I know of. Another system in production is the Brophy system. It's not as popular as in the past but does work. The Super...
  8. LuckyDan

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Fuse keeps blowing

    I'd guess your the unlucky one. Other than the unscrewing the newly screwed stuff hassle probably the fastest test is to back out the screws starting with where you think your wiring runs. If you got lucky sorta and just pierced a single side of the wire lead then removing the screw should...
  9. LuckyDan

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West what can I expect to pay?

    Keep in mind when considering how old a camper you are looking at, the model year of your Dodge. The FWC's made before 1990 were wider at the "step" than the tailgate opening of the newer Dodges. Four Wheel Campers has this fit charts that helps...
  10. LuckyDan

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Mountain Cell-Site Servicing in Winter

    In case anyone wonders how it turned out:
  11. LuckyDan

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Year-End/New-Year Trip to Far-Eastern Nevada

    I'd suggest a "Heater Lottery" as in how many times during the night does Mr. BC need to kick up the heater?: Travel safe and happy camping...
  12. LuckyDan

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Weather

    With my old Caveman camper or my Tioga motor home yea. With my Grandby not so much.
  13. LuckyDan

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Mountain Cell-Site Servicing in Winter

    We go through a winter survival course along with the Snow Cat training. They tend to break down with a certain sense of frequency.
  14. LuckyDan

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Questions About Places to Avoid and Personal Safety

    I can't speak to all the places you mentioned but as a person who not only recreates in the hills but works in the brush regularly by myself, the west you seek to wander is a pretty safe place. That said there is a risk just like going to the dark, out of the way ATM alone at night or choosing...
  15. LuckyDan

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Intros and looking for feedback

    Mine is Mann Lake tested. So far so good. Just make sure the lift panels are positively locked.
  16. LuckyDan

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West WTW Tee shirt & Sticker

    To the new owners of WTW: Teeeshirts! Teeeeshirts! Stiiickers! Stiiickers! Sorry, but I don't know how to do a "Chant" on here.
  17. LuckyDan

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Enough Power

    No way. Read up and focus on "watts", what your need is and what your gen can provide. Be prepared, the numbers will be way different. You will need a lot more than you think. A/C needs 2k watts minimum. ~DR What he wrote. Another thing to consider. Some electric devices like AC and...
  18. LuckyDan

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West New here

    Another place to look:
  19. LuckyDan

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Random FWC Photos

    We use these Rigs to enjoy the "Road Less Traveled" That is straight up a cool picture! Thanks for posting.
  20. LuckyDan

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West The Long Way Home

    #1: Dawdle, It's Wander the West not Woosh the West. #2: If you are forced to take I5 South do so only to McCloud Calif then start the Dawdle on Hwy 89 East though in April it may be snowy still. #3: The John Day Fossil Beds are pretty neat. After reading about what the environment there was...
  21. LuckyDan

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Let It Snow

    Looking for weather to Wander the West, (US) by: Looking for snow when you wander: One More Northwest specific but includes a hint of Canada. It's click able so kinda nice: I almost forgot...
  22. LuckyDan

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West coleman stove or --?

    I'd suggest taking a look at the Camp Chef line of outdoor stoves if you want something other than the "classic" Coleman but still thinking a camp out type stove. We've got one of these: You can quickly cook up enough food...
  23. LuckyDan

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Boon docking

    In the Oregon part of the west, in addition to the USFS and BLM lands the Department of State Lands,(DSL)are available for boon docking. The boon dock concept is pretty easy to execute in Eastern and Central Oregon it takes a little more work in Western Oregon or the Coast. Of course we're kinda...
  24. LuckyDan

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Sightings thread're not likely to see pronghorn, elk, coyotes, or golden eagles along side of the autobahn. Very true, and you don't see these: Which you may need if you see pronghorn, elk or so on at autobahn speeds. This image is not mine, I took it from the internet, lest people think I'm...
  25. LuckyDan

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Sightings thread

    I heard the WTW (gang) sign was a one-handed thumb to hand expand/contract move, sort of like when you show someone talking too much. The concept is the popup/ popdown transformation. :blink: Hey, that's it! We're Transformers!! :lol: I tried the "Secret High Sign" on someone traveling on...
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