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    Wander The West Jasper under evacuation

    Oh no!! This looks worse then I ever had expected.
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    Wander The West Jasper under evacuation

    All citizen and all tourists have to leave because of a wildfire: Jasper Nationalpar closed...
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    Wander The West Looking for Canadian info

    WanderingSagebrush: Thank yo sooooo much. I get a red face! But I wrote before in an german forum and was so focused there, that I didn't recognise that here is the speach english.
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    Wander The West Looking for Canadian info

    Meinst Du wirklich Grand Prairie in Texas? Und welche Strecke meinst Du genau?
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    Wander The West Looking for Canadian info

    By ferry to where? Vancouver? Seattle? And again: how many days will you have for your drive (from where) to the north? Driving time, whatever route you'll take, from Vancouver to Chicken will be at least 40 hours, means 9 - 10 days driving, hands on wheels, almost no time for stopping and...
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    Wander The West Looking for Canadian info

    No, if you only drive through, without sightseeing, no detour, you don't need a park-pass. How many days will you have and where to Alaska will you go. We drove almost all that roads through B.C. and Alasko so often, everytime with a Truck-camper. So maybe I can answer some question. And sorry...
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    Wander The West Driving Class C in Yellowstone from Canyon Village to Tower-Roosevelt OR Chief Joseph Highway from Cody to Tower Junction

    No, we had no problems. In my opinion the roads are wide enough for 2 cars/RV's coming against each other. We in Europe are used to much narrower roads. ?
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    Wander The West Driving Class C in Yellowstone from Canyon Village to Tower-Roosevelt OR Chief Joseph Highway from Cody to Tower Junction

    Last time as we where there (just before Covid hit), we drove the upper circle in an 28 ft. C-Class-RV, all the way from Mammoth Hot Springs, Tower Jkt., Dunraven Pass, all the view points on North Rim Drive, and back via Norris Bassin. Yes, the road sometimes is narrow, but it was not a problem...
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    Wander The West Looking for Canadian info

    When will you go and how many days do you have? The mentioned Icefield Parkway is part of hwy 93 anyway.
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    Wander The West Is This My Bad?

    Andy Douglass wrote: ""in this case it looks like the entire park is only open to self-contained RVs, which effectively gates out people who can't afford expensive rigs. "" Not all RV's are expensive and belong to rich people. There are lots and lots of rental RV's also. And for tourists it is...
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    Wander The West Is This My Bad?

    I think the reason is that an RV needs a bit more space as the parking lot for cars for tent-camping. The cars are about 5 - 6 meter, but an RV is at least 7 meter or more. And even the mentioned Yellowstone Nationalpark has places for tent camping.
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    Wander The West Sequoia/Kings Canyon in April

    You could find the newest information on their website:
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    Wander The West stopping in at FWC or ATC

    Thank you, Paul, # 4.
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    Wander The West stopping in at FWC or ATC

    Sorry, but as I'm always are so curious: could you tell me what FWC and ATC means? I never heard this acronym. But I live in Germany :rolleyes:
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    Wander The West Kamas UT to Grand Teton

    Did you have a look at Bear Lake SP?
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    Wander The West Water Locations

    ""Others bring bottle water supply and consume that and use the tank water for other usages.""" That's us. As we always drive with a rental RV we never know what the former renter did into the watertank. So we never drink this water, we use it only for shower and dishwashing. For cooking and...
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    Wander The West British Columbia mainland coast northward

    As I just read "Hyder/Seward": There is a beautiful boondocking up the road at the parking-lot and viewpoint to Salmon Glacier. You'll have this view: As we drove it (3-times) the road was very...
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    Wander The West British Columbia mainland coast northward

    Yes, there is some crownsland, but very scarce. And many of them are not reachable by car, not to speak with a boat towing. I'm very activ in a special forum for Canada and BC. And from there I know that people in BC tent to be very angry about boondocking. So you have to be carefully with...
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    Wander The West British Columbia mainland coast northward

    We travelled BC about 8 or 10 times, always with a rental RV, always 4 - 6 weeks. But only in the low season, not in July. Because in July it is much to crowded for us and we don't like prebooking all campsites in advance. If you have questions, I try to answer. Beate
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    Wander The West Wandering from Tennessee to Alaska

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    Wander The West Wandering from Tennessee to Alaska

    As for the Milepost: yes, it is suggested to have it, but for us it always was much too heavy. But I found a good website with almost the same information: You can print only the pages you'll need
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    Wander The West Wandering from Tennessee to Alaska

    We drove all the Alaska Hwy, the Robert Campbell Hwy., TOW Hwy, but also the Dempster Hwy to Inuvik, and about all possible roads in NWT (Great Slave Lake and on to Whitehorse), Yukon and Alaska. We always had a rented Truck-Camper with 4x4. For us the scenery got more and more interesting the...
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    Wander The West Anyone heading to Baja?

    Hahaha, I know such roads very well, we travelled there about 30 years ago, but with a small group and overnight in Hotels. But if we go again we want to travel alone, with a 4x4-camper and staying overnight somewhere in the wild. And therefore I'm a bit afraid of encounter by chance a group of...
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    Wander The West Anyone heading to Baja?

    We wanted to do it for years now, but always hesitatet because we read such a lot of drug crime there. And as we always would stay in the wild we are a bit nervous not to come by chance between the lines of two enemy ganges. What do you think about these?
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    Wander The West Small RV Rental midwest ?

    Do you really recommend Cruise America? In my opinion this is the worst RV-Rental-company of America. Ok, if you are lucky and get a new RV it would work. But most of their RV's are older ones, they hold their RV's longer as every reliable rental-company. And if you get some problems, they will...
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