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    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Sold

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    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Sad Times...Request for help

    Dear fellow adventures, I have a sad story to share and the length of this post will do it no justice. At the end I will ask for advice or possibly even for a good ol' fashioned helping hand. So here it is... Years ago one of my friends promised to introduce me to her boyfriend as soon as he...
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    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Aluminum siding repair

    Just for those who might be looking for a simple fix on this. I had some small tears around a few of the screws on the roof and a few "extra holes" from the previous owner. I had some left over roof flashing (From homedepot, pretty cheap and you can buy it in small sheets like12"x12" of...
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    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West How can I fix this?

    I re-did my entire headliner awhile back and it's not that hard. I tore off all of the battons replaced the insulation re-wired and then put on the new headliner that Ben sent me. you should be able to pull down the battons, pull the ends together, secure them inplace (tape, spray...
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    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Search for the perfect bed mod.

    well it's been a super long time since i posted up progress on my FWC rebuild. For good reason though, I am switching careers so it's school full time and work full time which leave exactly zero time for the camper. Spring break is here though so i have some time... It seems many of us are on...
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    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Cutting into Camper Sides

    I'm in the middle of a rebuild right now and have installed a couple of new things that have required cutting into the aluminum siding. I use a Roto-Zip with the metal cutting bit. It goes right through it with no problems. As for welding the frame back together if you cut it...unless you are...
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    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Fleet remodel

    You know the lights are so simple. They are flush mouted with four screws. The passenger side might be a pain if you are not up for pulling some panels. I had to drill a few extra holes to route the wires. The drivers side wires are well hidden inside of the cabinet (for my camper anyways)...
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    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Fleet remodel

    All the panels are cut and stained. I used Minwax One-Step (stain and poly in one). The color is Pecan with a satin finish. I drilled countersink holes before installing the panels. The front panel installed Another shot of the panels installed The back panel will be the last to go in...
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    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Fleet remodel

    Howdy everybody, I've been making progress on the camper. I got to looking at my headliner and realized how nasty it was. Naturally it had to go. Nasty mold on the back side. I decided to add a couple of extra porch lights. One on each side and I replaced the back with a new one. Some...
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    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Help with couch backrest design

    I am looking at the design of the backrest that came with my FWC and I'm wondering if I can do it better (with a little help from you all). The current design is like my crude paint rendition. The blue "triangles" are solid and held in place with "L" brackets. When in couch mode they rest...
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    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Anyone put staples into the frame?

    I like the idea of using the double sided tape to hold things in place before more permanently securing. I've been stuck on the idea that I had to have the headliner pulled tight. As I think through some of the comments I'm thinking that all I really need to do is make it cosmetically...
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    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West front support

    I don't know how I missed this thread:rolleyes: I am so stoaked that you did this write up as I will be doing this very soon as well. Have you noticed any issues with using the 1/4" versus the thinner factory size. I had the same problem as you in finding the 6mm stuff. I was also told...
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    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Anyone put staples into the frame?

    Thanks for all the input. I think I like the idea of using screws. Remember also that I will be replacing the existing battons so the fasteners will need to go through both. I may end up attaching the fabric first and then covering the screws up with the wood strips.
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    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Fleet remodel

    I have made some progress on the camper (recently dubbed the "Scooby Doo" or Scooby for short as it came with a stuffed Scooby Doo). I haven't downloaded the pics yet. I'll get them up soon though. It's motivating to see the interest in this project. S.
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    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Anyone put staples into the frame?

    So my headliner has seen better days and I'm looking into the various options for affixing it. I'm not quite ready to remove the entire roof to do it "right" and I may never do that. My question is, has anyone tried stapling into the frame (like from the factory) with a brad nailer/ stapler...
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    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Entertainment question

    Since I basically have a blank slate to work from with the remodel of the camper I have been wondering what you all have installed in the way of stereos, TV's, gaming stations, disco balls, etc... Not that we need any of those things when we are exploring the wonders of nature, untill the storm...
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    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Convertor Questions

    I'm still in the learning phase as far as 12v systems go and that being said will not even try to offer advice regarding what you chould do, but, I am reading a book right now titled: "Managing 12 volts" "How to Upgrade, Operate, and Troubleshoot 12 volt Electrical Systems". By Harold Barre...
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    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Fleet remodel

    Yeah I am going to pull everything out and stain everything at one time. It's just in there for fitment. . Thanks for the hurrah's S.
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    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Fleet remodel

    It's been a little while since I posted an update on the camper. We headed out for a short three day camping trip to Lava Lake outside of Bend, OR and the whole time all we could talk about was how nice it would be to have the camper. This was of course compounded by the fact that it was...
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    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Fleet remodel

    Progress report, I put in the floor and I think it looks great. It took exactly 1 package for the entire floor. I plan on using some quarter round for the exposed edges and haven't decided yet on securing it. All done Ready for camping (well, all most):D as always there is alot more...
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    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Fleet remodel

    Bobva, I used a sanded birch hardwood ply and then generously used a quality exterior paint. I looked into lots of options from maine grade to specialty stuff with vinyl coatings and this made the most sence to me. I figure if that particle board lasted over 20 years then this stuff will...
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    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Fleet remodel

    So this should catch everyone up to where I am now in the rebuild... I found some "miss tint" paint at the HD and it was in chocolate brown and thought that for $5 it'd be perfect for the section that is under the benches and I think I'll repaint the exposed ply on the exterior with it too...
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    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Question about buying used

    I live in Portland and picked up my camper in Seattle (3-4 hours). I did not think twice about spending the time to drill the holes and bolt the sucker down. Just threw all my tools in the truck as well as a full compliment of tie down straps had i needed them. I will say that I did not...
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    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Fleet remodel

    Just thought I'd post up a few more pics of the progress on the Fleet. Here is how it looked in the begining Some things stripped out Then there was the mess some would call, wiring. Everything out all the way down to the frame It all had to go and I will be starting from scratch...
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    RV LIFE Multisite Forum, Wander The West Fleet remodel

    I used cardboard to make a template for the rounded corners and cut the ply using a Rotozip. I put three solid coats of paint on and it was starting to look good. Following Chicali's advice I removed about 1/3 of the molding on one side that holds the canvas to the body of the camper. This...
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