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    Untitled Album

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    Used Camper Alert Thread

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    Anyone else looking forward to the FWC Tesla Cybertruck edition?

    I've been surprised and the level of fear, angst, contempt and shortsightedness for electric trucks (specifically) that I've been been hearing lately ... sounds a lot like the folks who were certain the new fangled "automobile" could never replace the trusty old horse. This uniquely American...
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    Anyone else looking forward to the FWC Tesla Cybertruck edition?

    Anyone else looking forward to the FWC Tesla Cybertruck edition? No, there has been no announcement ... I'm just imagining ... but FWC should be taking a hard look at this and get one ready to roll ASAP IMHO.
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    Winter / cold weather optimized Hawk Shell

    I've only been worried about snow loading on the roof a couple times ... back when I had the old Jayco camper. That roof was already super heavy with old ass hardware holding it up ... not snow but super windy nights were the sketchiest. When I do need to mess with snow on top I drop the camper...
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    Winter / cold weather optimized Hawk Shell

    Wandering On Wheels: I don't have progress pics ... it was done in a snap. I simply glued two nice pieces of plywood together to make a very strong platform and used 2x4's on each side mounted horizontally on the benches with bolts & washers. I used 2 pieces of 2x4 on each side as vertical...
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    Winter / cold weather optimized Hawk Shell

    kolockum ... I do lock my kayaks / bikes ... but have yet to feel the need to lock my skis. It helps that I'm rarely going any place in the winter where I have felt the need. I have relied on security by obscurity as well as strapping things down to the point that someone would have to put in...
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    Comment by 'biggb' in media 'IMG 15'

    My favorite mod.
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    Winter / cold weather optimized Hawk Shell

    I took a lot of inspiration from the generous exchange of ideas WTW users shared when customizing my own camper ... and this is my flavor of FWC Hawk Shell optimized for winter ski adventures. Works fine the rest of the year as well, though kayak racks are a bit of a problem we've had to work...
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