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Jun 30, 2009
Sierra Nevada Range
Big day on Friday, it's 11/11/11. Here's an article from the UK's Daily Mail 11/11/11

On 10/10/10 I was with a USFS ranger at Carson Pass when a hunter stopped by with a big buck in the back of his truck. He needed his tag validated. The talk centered around his good fortune on 10/10/10, as he said it was his lucky day. I hadn't given this stuff much thought until that occurrence and now I'm starting to wonder what will happen on Friday. Will Saturday come?
I think that of all the possible significances of 111111 listed in that article, the most significant is the corduroy!

I don't know much about all of that, but please do remember to thank a Vet as it will be Veteran's Day as well!!

Sorry for the hijack Mr. 3 Pin
11/11/11 for me. I get the day off. Stone brewing releases their next verticle epic series beer. My mom & step-dad come into town to help with the 4week and 1.5yr old (hopefully letting us rest up some). Should be a good day on my end. :D
I don't know much about all of that, but please do remember to thank a Vet as it will be Veteran's Day as well!!

Sorry for the hijack Mr. 3 Pin

Mr. Sun, that's hardly a hijack because, as you say, it is Veteran's Day. Throughout my growing up days I remember that most of my relatives always called it by the old remembrance day's name - Armistice Day.
Unfortunately it's just an excuse for a sales shopping day now.I remember attending and marching in (as a scout) a parade, and it was called Armistice Day.I am old enough that as a kid there were still WW1 vets and even some Spanish American War vets.Oh well didn't mean to go off track.We owe all to the vets.Thanks to all of us vets,Happy Veterans day.

Unfortunately it's just an excuse for a sales shopping day now.I remember attending and marching in (as a scout) a parade...

We still have a Veterans Day Parade in Bend -- on 11/11!
We have already dodged the bullet twice this year, with the world ending and all. Maybe third times the charm....

But more importantly,

Thanks to everybody who has worked to keep us safe and our country strong.
They're moving our Veterans day to Christmas. If I was vet I'd be raising hell.

Are you serious?

Back when I was still working I belonged to the Wild Pigs Motorcycle Club. We were all cops and firefighters on Harleys. Every Veteran's Day we would meet in Sacramento and sponsor a ride to Yountville where the Vet Home was. Steak dinner, beer and multiple bands. Every cent we profited went to the Vets for things like the Gov't didn't think they needed, like beer and smokes.

It was not uncommon to have 5000 bikes. We took the center lane of the freeway from horizon to horizon!!!! :cool:
They're moving our Veterans day to Christmas. If I was vet I'd be raising hell.

I better not loose a day off. :unsure:
They're moving our Veterans day to Christmas.

Craig, when you say "our" -- do you mean your company's holiday? Or...?
Craig, when you say "our" -- do you mean your company's holiday? Or...?

Yes, sorry for the confusion. Not losing a day, just moving it. Personally think its wrong but I don't have the job security to make a fuss about it.
Yes, sorry for the confusion. Not losing a day, just moving it. Personally think its wrong but I don't have the job security to make a fuss about it.

What?? Glad i read more, vets day can't be officially moved, it came from when WW! ended: I guess this is just another example of the the day off being made more important than what the holiday stands for! Go vets and my old 83rd RRSOU-wonder if it still exists in the new army : and i made another one! go team!!!!
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