1st trip for 2015...

Vancouver Island.... leaving 1 week from today,
I'll be tent camping, because I am poor and haven't purchased a Hawk (shell) yet.
I plan on visiting the FWC dealer while passing through Vancouver and I may place an order. If so, it will be built in time for my next vacation.
Already been out once, twice if you count camping in XP Marc's driveway one night. Heading out 2nd week in March for a few days at Jalama Beach.
I'm looking at an afternoon high of 23 degrees F in Raleigh, NC, and an expected low tomorrow morning in the low single digits if not all the way to zero. Some of my Blue Ridge Mountains haunts will not reach zero today (Beech Mountain and Sugar Mountain having real-time readings in the single digits below zero today at about 3pm, Grandfather Mountain topping out at about 8 below, with 27 mph winds gusting to 41). The 10 day forecasts show overnight lows in the 20s to teens, daytime highs in the 20s to 30s, and more snow every few days. Long story short--winter isn't over in the East. No Pineapple Express in these here parts.

Our first 2015 excursion is governed more by tax season work deadlines than weather. We'll be going to Washington, NC (known regionally as "Little Washington", nestled on the banks of the Pamlico River, a splendid estuary). Dates are April 17-19 and the event is the annual Cycle NC Coastal Ride. We'll be setting up the pop-up in the Town of Washington among hundreds of other campers, tenters and RVs of various types. I'm taking our kayak and some spinning tackle to hunt up some speckled trout and puppy drum while my wife rides (I don't do road cycling). Evenings cooking out and hanging out with the visitors and locals. Big trip much later in the summer will be NC to Montana and an 1,100 mile mostly gravel and sand cruise through western MT, Idaho, Wyoming, and Nebraska before getting on the slab near Lincoln, NE. Really looking forward to it.

Foy-the sun is out and it's in the mid 60's here in high desert-another words, about 20-30 degrees above our usual temp---and oh yes, all the high country snow from that super storm we had (here at 4400' we had rain and super winds) is almost all gone(25% of normal snow pack here)--YOU got our temps and snow! I just got out of rehab for my back/hip, going to pop the top, hook up shore power, and start to pack for a 3 plus weekend run, probably up to Eagle Lake/maybe Res "C". to see if the storm helped the lake level(s) at all (though I did hear that Pine Creek was running) and watch the stars at night. I can't believe this is the first run of the year, while the weather has been so good (at least for WTWing)-, I've been stuck here doing the back thing(as in things they don't tell you about retirement and when parts start to wear out :p) -but I'm getting ready for some serious adventuring late next week. Let's see put the VCR on record so I don't miss Bill Marr, and make sure I watch the first new Viking program of this year tonight ;) . Maybe I'll bring my new 12 1/2 foot telescoping latter too :D !

I was at Pinnacles the first weekend in January, enjoyed some cold weather there. This weekend out again for some hiking and exploring in one of the local county parks (Mt. Madonna) for a couple days.
Camper went back on the truck last night! First trip will be an overnighter this weekend someplace, maybe Vantage or Tieton area to do some climbing. Leave in the middle of March for a three week trip so want to make sure all systems are go before I leave.
One weekend just to say I "got out" to the Metolius River. One weekend to the John Day River to Steelhead fish with my father. The trip while enjoyable demonstrated I need to overcome my laziness and do some upgrading to the Grandby.

This is the Metolius, Photo courtesy the USFS:

New St Park local shake out the camping gear cobwebs trip. Little Basin ST park CA former HP retreat.
Mid April!!!!May Olema Family Campground with some rookies local trip. Then June we get serious and check out Ski3pin's suggestion on the east side.
Made it to Westport-Union State Park for a week or so;weather was okay, enjoyed the coast and once I figure out again how to down load photos will post. Had the beach/campground pretty much to myself and except for some rude and unknowing trailer(s) people/gen's/small barking dogs for two days, me and "Bob" had a good time. All my new solar panels/Waco compression frig/new batteries all worked fine and can't wait to head out again.Stopped by Black Butte Res for a few days on the way home-and (surprise) they had water in the res!

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