2 Weeks In The Camper!


Senior Member
May 7, 2007
Hey all, thought I would start a thread documenting our 2-week stay in the camper. We are in between houses until Oct. 1st so we decided to "rough it" and stay in the camper and commute to town as necessary. We started Friday morning, I stayed out until this afternoon but my girlfriend had to go in for work yesterday...so far so good. We are lucky enough to live in a place where there is a lot of camping relatively close to town (w/in 50 mi.). I'll keep posting pics as we find and spend time at different places...trying to move every 2 days!

Also, realizing a few things I need...
1. Fantastic Fan...2 dogs and 2 humans = lots of condensation.
2. Arctic Pack...its in the 40's nightly now here in MT. and while so far we are able to stay warm without the heater I think it and the Arctic Pack will be needed for the winter months...
3. Dual Batteries, nothing new here, I feel a must...still haven't decided on a way to install yet...but will keep everyone posted!

Here are some pics of our first 2 campsites (Fri/Sat nights). Had to do some 4X4in' to get into the second one. Also a few pics of some hikes we took nearby and our "back yard", creek included!



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A few more...


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Trip pics...

Nice Erod! Thanks for the pix. You do a nice job. Very cool campsites also.

Great pics

Wow, fantastic pics. Wish I had to wait in an area like that.

Also, your package arrived the other day. Thanks for that. Still haven't unpacked everything yet. Will get some time next week to play with it.

Thanks again.
It's never fun to be homeless, but...

Being homeless while having to go to work, etc. doesn't look good. Being homeless in such a beautiful environment doesn't look bad. Kind of a Yin, Yang thing. At least you have 2 4x4 vehicles. You could have picked a better time to change houses!

Gotta love those 4x4 required camp sites.

I hear you about the fan and the dual battery. I really like that I could squeeze a spare battery into the engine compartment. That made the hook up a lot easier (though not necessarily less expensive).
Very nice.

Both places I've worked in the last 20 years hace had locker rooms with showers so you could workout over lunch. I've always thought that if I had to rough it I could just come into work early and shower there.

Best of luck to you guys...
thanks guys, its hasn't been too bad at all, actually we have stayed in town the last two nights so no new pics :( ! good to get a shower, charge things (cell, computer, camera) and get some work done...back to the woods tonight though, weather has been pretty cooperative but we did get snow up high again last night...thanks for lookin', cheers to all!
Please post ugly pictures so that MT does not show up in those "100 Best Places to Live/Retire" articles! :rolleyes:


pretty sure its too late for that mike...this town has doubled in the last 10 years since i have been here :) ! kind of have to go with the flow or it will bother the heck out of ya!

here's an update, weather has been super wet around here lately, some snow up high and lots of overcast. spent last 3 nights in town :eek: , with the both of us working early in th am it seemed like the best option...still good "camping", err, parking spots in town so still not too bad. Last night we were able to get out of town again, about 20 miles north. made camp pretty late but woke up to some crazy fog...stayed nice and dry in the camper though. its nights like these when we can cook, read and sleep in total comfort in the camper that we really appreciate it! anyway, seemed to have misplaced my camera :( , so these are just a few i took with my computer...pretty poor quality but gives you an idea of what we woke up to. cheers!


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Great pictures and camp spots. We had a 1/2" of snow last night and even though the weather is keeping us from enjoying the rest of a week off it sure is nice to see some moisture in the woods.

I here you about growth, we've had the same type of development rate around here and sometimes I hardly recognize the east side of town anymore. Fortunately it hasn't effected us too much here on the west end of Truckee. We didn't realize how good we had it 20 years ago when the population here was around 8,000. Oh well, we just hide from the crowds and enjoy a few prime spots we've found over the years that the masses don't know about. Stay dry and warm.

Great pictures and camp spots. We had a 1/2" of snow last night and even though the weather is keeping us from enjoying the rest of a week off it sure is nice to see some moisture in the woods.

I here you about growth, we've had the same type of development rate around here and sometimes I hardly recognize the east side of town anymore. Fortunately it hasn't effected us too much here on the west end of Truckee. We didn't realize how good we had it 20 years ago when the population here was around 8,000. Oh well, we just hide from the crowds and enjoy a few prime spots we've found over the years that the masses don't know about. Stay dry and warm.

right on, we do the same here, it pays to have been here a while and have the good spots dialed in...thanks...oh yea, found the camera so more/better pics to come! later

I was interested to hear you had snow last night. I was scheduled to go into Rubicon Springs today but canceled due to the weather threat. I wouldn't want to be stuck down there with snow on the trail. Anyway, I'm glad I didn't cancel for no reason.


i understan the Dooolittle and his troupe are gunning to put in a big condo development up there on the north sie of I80....lotsa asphalt.
Who votes for thosge guys?

We sure don't, the developers seem to own them.


I wouldn't want to be caught in the weather on the Rubicon either, potentially nasty situation.
some weather we've been having

well, back from another night in the rain...great times. seem to be developing some issues with the roof fabric over time (another thread). actually the camper has been holding up great considering how much its been raining...after 2 weeks though its going to need a thorough cleaning however :D ! anyway, we succumbed last night to some serious urban camping (sorry about the poor pic quality)...won't say where but i am sure you can guess :( , which was actually really pleasant. everything in the high country around here is pretty saturated so it was nice to have some level, wet but not muddy, ground with some grass for the dogs. included a pic of a cool blazer/fwc set up and a couple other places we've been along the way (guess i just like taking pictures of the truck :D ). anyway, 1 week down, 1 to go. funny how it hasn't rained in months, move into the camper and it rains everyday! cheers!


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Cools Pictures

I especially like the one looking back from the drivers side at the Blazer with the FWC - you should have been an artiest.

Too bad you didn't come down to my neck of the world and bring some of that rain with you. The weather forecast predicted 1/4 to 1/2 inch of rain this weekend, I think we got about .002 inches instead.

Love the pic of the older one. You don't see too many of those around anymore. We built the last new one back in 94 for one of those.
well, spent the last week house sitting and sleeping in our workshop behind our new place more than the camper. the weather has been pretty brutal around here lately and we found it to be a little more difficult to keep up with work and school obligations on top of camping than we originally anticipated...it was a great trip though. here is one last shot...fitting i thought...cheers!


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Welcome back. I'm glad to here you stayed high and dry last week. We had another 3" of snow last Saturday and a little rain here and snow higher up yesterday. It's nice to see the moisture but now we're ready for a month or so of clear warm weather. Time to go camping. Did you even get your heater running?

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