36 Hours In L.A.


Post Master
Apr 27, 2006
The Old Pueblo
I left Tucson at 3AM and got to West Covina about 9AM. I had to take some things back to Pam's old office in MDR and that little trip took 2 hours (about 35 miles). I love LA!!

Got to Kaiser Sunset and spent 45 mins trying to find parking (6'6" clearance in the structure). Saw the spine doc and got good news and headed for Ventura County at 2PM.

Got to the Nard around 3:30 and headed to Tom Tierra's. Enjoyed a Channel Islands Amber with his wife and him. They're headed for Baja tomorrow Saturday. I wish I was!! Tommy gave me a case of Channel Islands Amber. I should go there more often. Stopped by the old neighborhood to say hi and headed over to a buddys house to put the Aux Batt and new Screen Door in.

The Batt took about an hour and the door even less. Like Ben said it was a piece of cake and fit perfectly.

Left Ventura at 5 AM and stopped in La Quinta near Indio to meet with Les Bourne and his wife Virginia (lqhikers) If you are impressed with his rig and welding abilities you shoud see it in person. Man this guy does nice work and has some great ideas. I took a lot of pix of the rail bike rig and Les was nice enought to give me a measured drawing.

I headed for home about 10:30 and just after I crossed into AZ I decided to try the Norcold. I put it on DC and by the time I got home (3 hours or so) it was about 80 degrees in there. Ambient tem was 105 but it doesnt inspire great confidence. Les has a Engel 2way and swears by it. So do a lot of guys in Saline. This baby may be destined for Ebay. Too bad its almost brand new.
Boy, I feel for you Jay. Last year when we were out in California with a camping trailer, the longest day was the drive from La Jolla up to Santa Barbara through LA :( . Of course, I let my wife, June, drive ;) she's a better driver than me anyway :eek:

(hope she doesn't see this)
First of all I was solo. And secondly Pam hates driving the Ram. Its a 2 edged sword. I get to keep the seats and mirrors in the same place but have to do all the driving. When we moved from Pasadena to Oxnard and I retired I thoughtI'd never have to drive through LA again but y'know that aint gonna happen. Now that we're in Tucson I know I'll have to face it at least twice a year. I was tempted to call it 36 hours in H&ll but I did have fun while in Ventura.
I headed for home about 10:30 and just after I crossed into AZ I decided to try the Norcold. I put it on DC and by the time I got home (3 hours or so) it was about 80 degrees in there. Ambient tem was 105 but it doesnt inspire great confidence. Les has a Engel 2way and swears by it. So do a lot of guys in Saline. This baby may be destined for Ebay. Too bad its almost brand new.

As far as I know, the Norcold is a rebranded Engel. Not 100% sure, but that's what friends who own them tell me.
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