395 DV and environs


Riley's Human
Jan 12, 2007
Headed out Sunday for DV and ? I had lots of time or so I thought. Made it to Bridgeport to watch the Niners game. Then off to either of the spots Ted had suggested. I really wanted Ted's Dunderberg spot but wasn't sure if I could get there in the dark. Finally made those off road lights payoff. A bit cold up there and I think that'll be the last time anyone goes there until Spring. The view is stupendous. The sun coming up was worth an attempt even with my cellphone camera.

Then on to the Alabama Hills. Even this time of year it was crawling with people. I participated in the local Ham Radio nightly meeting. They turned out later to be a great resource.

This rig was a foreign couple but I was too slow to get their attention. Can't tell here but it was an interesting rig.

The next day it was time to finally go see Saline. I went in South Pass. No one ever mentioned the forest of cactus.

It was rough and all of four hours but never needed 4wd. Spent two days at the springs, hiked up to see the warm springs but mostly just relaxed.

It was time to head out and as it was that was the end of the nice weather. After talking with people who'd come in North Pass I decided I'd take that way out. That would put me in a better position for seeing more of DV. Even with the grading it wasn't much shorter time wise. Easier yes except for crossing the washes. The first big washout was all my truck could do. I was sweating it when the back started to slide out on me. Two more washes I'd not have been able to make it without 4wd. The graders still have a long way to go. Doubt they'll make it by Tday. Started snowing on the way out, made an interesting contrast with the earlier warmth at the springs.

They're going to need the Dozer for the big wash but its still sitting there at the Eureka Valley road intersection.

Went down the Eureka road without seeing another soul until I hit the main road. Anyone know what was mined here?

Random cactus shot.

Visited all the must see stuff, Scottys Castle, Ubehebe Crater, Badwater. I opted not to go down racetrack, by this time I had my fill of dirt roads (never thought I'd say that) plus it was raining and windy.

It was dark and I was hungry by the time I hit Stovepipe Wells so I gritted my teeth and camped there. Not that I minded being able to watch Thursday night football :). It rained all night, the wind howling. It was blowing so hard in the morning I had a real issue just getting the top down. I'm sure it was an amusing sight for anyone watching. It didn't take long before I hit the chain controls and some minor rock slides on the way out. My new tires worked well in the snow. I stopped at the scenic overlook named for Padre something or other. The wind roaring in the canyon made a truly eerie, almost spooky noise.

I still wasn't sure where to go, head up 395 or head down 395 and swing over to the valley. Two things made up my mind, a forecast for Socal that just barely came in on my ham radio and a phone call from my boss telling me I have to work Monday. It was slow going most of the way back, chain controls almost continuously from Lone Pine to about half way between mammoth and Lee Vining. I was still looking for one more night of camping but not much was open. I finally found a spot off Hiway 88 but when I tried to pop the top ice had frozen it closed. I could have chipped it off but I wasn't really ready for winter camping yet. I had the gear just not the motivation, not when I'm almost home. Besides the winds were still howling and it was cccold. Many trees down from the winds. I've never felt winds like that driving down 50. Just about 1100 miles on this trip.

Oh, almost forgot the ham thing. I had very good access to the repeater on Mazourka Peak from Saline Valley. Not full quieting but pretty good enough to carry on a few conversations. Its after 8pm, my phone rings. Very bizarre. Whatever atmospheric anomaly let that call in lasted only long enough to see it was from my brother. Got back up, called on 146.760 and had one of the guys place a call for me. Made me sleep much better. All those Owens Valley hams were very friendly. Well I think thats it.
Thanks for the story and the pics, Craig. I always like stuff about Saline and DV. I've spent a few wintry days and nights there myownself.
Nice loop around Death Valley! We figure it is a treat to get rain and snow in Death Valley and boy can the wind blow. Thanks for the photos and story!
Thanks for giving us a little insight on DV conditions, Craig. 1100 miles, whew! That was a good tour.
We're familiar with Saline Valley and North Pass. Always fun to drive past those Road Closed signs :D
There were two graders (not the ones working the road) and the dozer sitting there, if they really wanted to block the road they could easily. I wonder if there was enough rain to make it difficult for those still at the springs to make it out. There were new washout signs at the entrance to the south pass road and the road to Trona was closed with signs warning of flash floods.
Interesting about the ice freezing the camper closed. That's something I can imagine happening to us that I hadn't thought of before. Sounds like a good trip with a variety of experiences. Thanks!
Craig, that forest of cactus is actually Joshua Trees on Lee Flat. Many are over 20 ft. tall and some are rumored to be 30 ft. One of the more impressive sights that few know about.
The Joshua trees are so cool to see while driving down the road.
We saw loads of them up on Walker Pass and also at Red Rocks Canyon SP.


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Thanks for letting me know what they are. I still wonder why we see so few photos of them.
Craig-Thanks for the trip report. If you have never been there, Joshua Tree National Park in southern Calif. Is a great place to experience these trees, as well as a wide variety of other desert flora and fauna - Richard
Also consider Mojave Preserve. Lots of J-trees there too, and you don't have to pay the Park Service to camp under them!
Some pics of the Datillos and Joshua Trees in snow at Lee Flat


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@Craig, yes, actually those pictures are coming out. They are not from last weekend, but a few years ago. I showed them as per the discussion of the Joshua Trees with snow.

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