A Bumper Sticker Story


Belay On
Site Team
Jun 30, 2009
Sierra Nevada Range
On Saturday the Lady & I were exploring along the east side of the Sierra Nevada. The hot afternoon called for a stop at Lee Vining’s Mono Cone for some soft serve ice cream. With our cones in hand we walked down a side street to the park and shade and a view of Mono Lake. Parked along the side street were a cowboy and his family, leaning against the end gate of their 4x4 F-350 Super Duty crew cab, enjoying ice cream also. The cowboy was dressed in a worn western dress shirt, blue jeans, boots, and a summer straw that looked like it has seen weather. This wasn’t a recent store bought outfit and looked well at home on his tall, stout, frame. The truck’s bumper was covered with political stickers, some were pretty rough, I thought. Another couple, looked like city folk, was walking ahead of us, returning to their large motor home parked across from the park. The man stopped and loudly began praising the views expressed by the bumper stickers. The cowboy shook his head and with a perfect drawl slowly said, “Ah, you know these here stickers were on this truck when I bought it and Lord knows right now I can’t afford another bumper.”
I get lots of positives about my bumper sticker that says "My Border Collie is smarter than our President" I think it is good for all administrations, a timeless sticker.
George Bush, Queen Elizabeth, and Vladimir Putin all die and go to hell.
While there, they spy a red phone and ask what the phone is for. The devil
tells them it is for calling back to Earth.

Putin asks to call Russia and talks for 5 minutes. When he is finished
the devil informs him that the cost is a million dollars, so
Putin writes him a check.

Next Queen Elizabeth calls England and talks for 30 minutes. When she
is finished the devil informs her that the
cost is 6 million dollars, so she writes him a check.

Finally George Bush gets his turn and talks for 4 hours. When he is
finished the devil informs him that the cost is $5.00. When Putin
hears this he goes ballistic and asks the devil why Bush got to call the USA
so cheaply. The devil smiles and replies,
" Since Obama took over , the country has gone to hell, so it's a local
leadsled9, great old classic there! When I first heard that one it was LBJ, Queen Elizabeth, and Brezhnev on the plane.
I heard this oldie the other night. It isn't political but I think it's funny. Moses and Jesus are playing a round of golf. Moses hits the ball into the middle of the first fairway. Jesus tees of and shanks the ball into the rough. He raise his hands to the sky and immediately it starts to pour down rain. A small river picks up his ball and as it floats away a fish swallows it. An eagle spots the fish, swoops down and grabs it. As he does the ball fall out of the fishes mouth onto the green and into the cup. Moses looks at Jesus and says "do you want to screw around or play golf?"
I heard this oldie the other night. It isn't political but I think it's funny. Moses and Jesus are playing a round of golf. Moses hits the ball into the middle of the first fairway. Jesus tees of and shanks the ball into the rough. He raise his hands to the sky and immediately it starts to pour down rain. A small river picks up his ball and as it floats away a fish swallows it. An eagle spots the fish, swoops down and grabs it. As he does the ball fall out of the fishes mouth onto the green and into the cup. Moses looks at Jesus and says "do you want to screw around or play golf?"

Nice one Jay.
I received this from a good friend:
"I very much enjoyed your bumper sticker story --
It reminded me of a bumper sticker I saw recently which was absolutely,
far and away, the funniest thing that I
have ever seen said in a few words -
I was convulsed in laughter -
so much so that I had to pull my car over and stop, to collect myself -
I think maybe my overreaction was
somehow connected with my advancing years -
another indication of that advancement
however, is the unfortunate fact that I
can't remember what it said !!!!"
I received this from a good friend:
"I very much enjoyed your bumper sticker story --
It reminded me of a bumper sticker I saw recently which was absolutely,
far and away, the funniest thing that I
have ever seen said in a few words -
I was convulsed in laughter -
so much so that I had to pull my car over and stop, to collect myself -
I think maybe my overreaction was
somehow connected with my advancing years -
another indication of that advancement
however, is the unfortunate fact that I
can't remember what it said !!!!"

Well Ski you just joined the "club". Welcome it's not as bad on this side as you might have heard.

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