A Cautionary Trailhead Tale


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Jun 30, 2009
Sierra Nevada Range
Julie enjoys the videos put out by these two energetic and happy women. We watched this one as we've not yet hiked Torreys Peak. Enjoy the hike, then watch their return to the trailhead and the aftermath.

I have heard of packrats in Organ Pipe Cactus monument eating your wires under the hood, but never marmots in Colorado eating fan belts!
Quite a tale for their friends and family!
Their experience is a reminder for all of us to check our auto insurance policies and make sure we have coverage for rodent damage. A deductible is much easier on the wallet than the cost of an entire wiring harness.
It wasn't marmots, some other critter at one of the trailheads I went to. But yes, they are attracted to antifreeze. Some say leaving your hood open helps.
Oso - the dog in my avatar - was known for alerting to rodents in the engine compartment. He would sit and stare at a front wheel until somebody did something. There were a few false alarms but more often than not the owner of the vehicle would pop the hood, a chase would ensue and Oso would proudly strut back with the hapless rodent in his mouth. He was a very good dog.
As much as the feral cats here annoy me they do keep the rodent population in check. Riley tries but even when he was young he didn't have the sprint in him to catch rodents. More of a long distance runner :)

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