A Doggone Dilemma


Advanced Member
Jun 20, 2013
Central California
I recently changed travel / camping rigs - from a Land Rover Discovery pulling a 14' travel trailer to a full size pickup with an Alaskan Camper on the back. In my Land Rover, it was nothing for my dogs to travel with me - but even though they're short haired dogs (Catahoulas) they are the sheddingest doggone dogs there ever were. I have scooped up fistfuls of hair in the Land Rover.

So now I have a brand new Ford F250. As much as I love my dogs, they're just not welcome in the cab. I'll be 'doggone' if I'm going to allow them to shake and scratch in that new cab.

Which brings me to my question - do any of you transport your dogs in your popup camper? I'm fearful there wouldn't be enough ventilation or it would be too hot. I've thought of a kennel on the tailgate but visions of what could happen keep me from that - not to mention the fallout Mitt Romney got for strapping a kennel on the top his car.

Anyone in the same boat or have any thoughts on how to find a workable solution to my doggone dilemma?


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Rubber mats in the cab or trade it in and get an older truck. These guys look like great traveling company
They look kind of grumpy to me. I think they got word of your plans.

Have you considered seat covers? We also got handfuls of fur from our Golden Retriever when she traveled in our truck. But wouldn't consider having her anywhere else. We bought seat covers and cleaned them regularly. Removed them when we sold the truck and the original upholstery looked fine.
My dog has to ride in the cab-he's co-driver and in charge of the when and where we take "Doggie and Papa" breaks! Seat covers were designed for a reason ya know! I would not transport the dog in the camper unless and only unless we had to run from something of a life threatening reason.

I wouldn't be comfortable with the dog in the camper. I would consider using a crate especially if they learned to use them at an early age. That would at least contain some of the fur.

Unfortunately dog hair is just something dog owners have to live with. Theres still a couple Yuma hairs left in the camper and its been three years he passed away. I just finished vacuuming the house. Amazing how much and how fast the fur flies.
Yep, they look mighty surly but they're my two sweet girlies :)

Seat covers wouldn't do a thing for these girls - the hair goes everywhere. Gets in the controls in the dash board. Had to change out window switches because of microscopic hair. Then they both roll in whatever 'dookey' they can - 'Cow'ven Kline' or 'Ewe De Poo' - they're incorrigible. But I dearly love them.

I considered just getting an older pickup just to have my dogs next to me, but then I'd have other issues to deal with.

They're too big for a kennel inside the cab, even if that did contain the hair (which it wouldn't).

Honestly I don't know what to do.

Maybe if they both wore some sort of monkey suit.... :)
I made a platform with a pad in the back seat for our golden retriever in our access cab. Sure, there's hair everywhere- same as in the house- but that's the price of having a dog.
Have you tried grooming them with a furminator before a trip. Salty (Dog of the Desert), my avatar, is pretty hairy, but stripping his coat with a furminator does a good job of keeping his molting (oops, shedding) under control.
I thing a good 'furminating' and a really protected area in the extended cab area where they're going to be is the ticket. And true - it's the price I'll have to pay for having dogs. But I believe this will keep the fur down to a minimum. I'll give it a try!

Thanks all!!
Mine rides in my camper exclusively and has been doing so for almost seven years, wouldn't worry too much about it.
Our previous dog was a large lab and did not fit in the cab. We set her up in the camper and she did fine, too.
Now we have a smaller dog and I set up a platform in the rear seat portion of the access cab and that works also.
KT & LH - I guess riding in the camper could be an option - as long as the outside temp is not too bad. I am judging it by the present temperature which is 109 F today :(

I ended up getting a Furminator - not to encouraged by it - no offense to my loving doggies but it's kind of like putting perfume on a pig - doubtful it'll make a difference.

I came across this product for police dogs - over $2,000 - unfortunately the money isn't in my dog's bank account (or mine either!) So I am contemplating creating a sleeve apparatus out of sheet PVC to fit in the extended area of pickup - hmmmm... The wheels are turning ---


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I've seen those too, but I can imagine the trouble I'd have getting their hair out of the canvas. I am looking at some PVC or fiberglass sheeting that I can make my own - slide it out once in a while & give it a good scrubbing. Plus I need it secure so they can't climb in the front seat - they're known to be bad gurrs...
I bought some nice washable Marathon seat covers, some Weathertech mats that catch the bulk of the hair, and both 90lbs dogs hop right on the back seat of the crew cab F350. Wouldn't have it any other way, scratches and drool on the door panels and all.
I have a 60 ~ 40 back seat in the Dodge. I built a platform to fill in the space on the 60% side and picked up a dog bed that happened to be a perfect fit.
I ordered a set of washable canvas seat-covers and have been using this arrangement for 7 years. I take the seat-covers off along with the dog bed cover, every couple month's and throw them in the washer. Both the dog bed and seat-covers are over seven years old and still holding up great. So far there isn't a mark or stain on the seats under the covers. My dog is a Dalmatian mix, and nothing sheds like a Dal.

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Last 2 posts are encouraging - I'm going to give it a whirl - as soon as I figure out how to protect my door panels - not quite ready to give 'em to the dogs yet :)

Btw that Dal is beautiful!!!!
Well after a false start trying to make something out of wood paneling, I've finally got something almost completed - my 'back seat doggie bag'. Made a framework out of PVC & stretched canvas from a painter's tarp around it. Now all I need to do is cinch it together - I think I'm going to use Velcro - then cut a window in the front for my surly girlies to stick their noses through for fresh air. Also the side windows will open giving them fresh air - also I think it'll help that this is made of canvas and not some non breathable tarp. Hopefully with this getup, they can scratch & lick & shed to their little hearts' content!


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