A Saline Thanksgiving & The Last Chance Range


King Taco
Sep 9, 2007
Oxnard, CA.
We've heard of the legendary Saline Valley Thanksgiving feasts and shenanigans before but it has never really interested us, just too many people for our tastes. We went anyway as we were planning on a long overdue rendezvous. Much like all the other weekend warriors out there we left after work on Tuesday night just to make some headway...we considered driving straight to the springs but with recent snows we were concerend about ice on the passes and decided to stop at the Alabama Hills for the night and head in and enjoy the drive at a leisurely pace in the morning.

A beautiful Sierra morning in the Hills


We decided to take the North Pass in as the South Pass has been rumored to be especially bad with washboards this year. There was a little snow but much less than I expected.


Some of you might recognize this legendary set up...yes, the reason for our little rendezvous was to meet up with my longtime "cyber bro" KC and his gal.


After getting our camp set up KC informed us that LAWNMOWER MAN was posted up near the Volcano Pool so we went to visit him for awhile (this is the 2nd time I've randomly ran into him at Saline) and then headed off for a much anticipated soak. We then spent the afternoon and evening enjoying the serene Saline setting and catching up with our new friends. We all had a wonderful time and look forward to a future rendezvous in Utah down the road.
We awoke to a GLORIOUS Thanksgiving morning but sadly it was time for our friends to head out for Thanksgiving with family in Las Vegas and then southward for another meet up in Arizona. We lamented that our visit was too short but such is life...next time amigo.

We spent the day relaxing, soaking and reading...waiting for the feast to begin.


Around 1pm everyone started to converge on the lower springs with their contributions to the feast. As we had our own plans for dinner we took some dessert down and hung out on the lawn to socialize for a couple hours and met some real nice folks. It was really quite the impressive spread that was put on, organized chaos so to speak, everyone ate well and were quite merry.

Someone strung a whole bunch of balloons together, they were very lucky the wind didn't blow!


After hanging out at the feast we had to head back to camp and check on our own...


Not quite like we do it at home but it wasn't too bad.

Somebody else thought it smelled mighty fine too. Too bad you don't get to eat "people food" buddy...


After dinner folks started heading back to their respective camps...


The "Balloon People" came by again...


They insisted we hold them for a photo...

We all had a wonderful time and look forward to a future rendezvous in Utah down the road.

Utah! When? Where?
The next day came and it was time for us to head out in seek of some solitude. Last year the Lighthawks and I heard of a canyon with some petroglyphs but we did not have the time to make the hike, this time we made sure we did.

Working our way up into the canyon...


After a nice hike up the fan we finally found some evidence...we were not sure if these holes and deeper scrapings were vandalism or not.


Deeper into the canyon we found more




On our way out the co pilot found what we think was an obsidian tool of some sort?


Our truck barely visible down there somewhere...


This shot is worth hanging on the wall, Sunni. You guys look great.

Of course, the rest of the Saline experience looks like a great time. Very cool that you connected again with KC and LAWNMOWER MAN.
A mandatory stop at the Marble Bath Tub


And then on towards Eureka Dunes...


We spotted a new landmark that was not there last year. A new take on Cranskshaft Crossing and Teakettle Junction?


The Dunes in sight...


But first...Dedeckera Canyon...




We breezed through Dedeckera Canyon pretty quickly, for some reason it did not seem as sporty this year.

And the Dunes at last. Not quite as spectacular as our late afternoon arrival last year, the dunes with sunrise or afternoon shadows are not to be missed.

We contemplated spending the night near the Dunes and hiking them for some sunset photos but opted to press on. My original plan was to make it out to Gold Point via Tule Canyon or Oriental Wash but there just wasn't going to be enough daylight. At Cranskshaft Crossing we decided to find a spot to boondock for the night as we wanted to leave the next day to avoid the dreaded traffic that would we on the roads on Sunday.

Crankshaft Crossing


And our spot for the last night in an old mining camp on the East Side of the Last Chance Range.




We made it home the next day with plenty of time to clean up the rig and prepare her for the next adventure. It was a great trip and it was fun meeting new friends in places we've been and also discovering some new places as well.
Great trip report, we enjoyed it! Sure looked like familiar territory but where were all the ducks ready to hop in the bath tub? :unsure:
Great trip report, we enjoyed it! Sure looked like familiar territory but where were all the ducks ready to hop in the bath tub?

No kidding, your tracks had barely cooled off! We put the ducks in the tub for a photo op so you can't see them.
Great write up. Dedeckera looks more reasonable with time, but photos often lie ;)
We both read your TR and want to get back there. Who knows? Maybe over Christmas.

Those holes bored into the petroglyphs are vandalism, 20 years ago they were not there.

On a very cold, windy day in 1989 I was walking on Eureka Dunes. Looking down at the sand as I walked, the wind uncovered this amazing arrowhead. I took some pictures before leaving it back on the sand. I wonder if another human has ever seen it again?


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Those holes bored into the petroglyphs are vandalism, 20 years ago they were not there.

On a very cold, windy day in 1989 I was walking on Eureka Dunes. Looking down at the sand as I walked, the wind uncovered this amazing arrowhead. I took some pictures before leaving it back on the sand. I wonder if another human has ever seen it again?

We were afraid of that Gene. I'd also heard some knucklehead carved a Burning Man symbol in the rock nearby but we didn't see it. Hope it is a rumor.

Nice arrowhead find, beautifully polished by the sand. Pretty spectacular.
I tried taking Dedeckera in the other direction in my 4x4 Tacoma and I turned back. There was a really narrow spot where I thought I would crunch my lower doors without some sliders. There was some concrete and chicken wire that had been put down but was badly eroded.

Anyway, seeing that you made in though in your wider, longer wheel-based Tundra, makes me think I gave up too easily.

--Great story about that arrow head, crazy to think of who made it and how it ended up there.
I tried taking Dedeckera in the other direction in my 4x4 Tacoma and I turned back. There was a really narrow spot where I thought I would crunch my lower doors without some sliders. There was some concrete and chicken wire that had been put down but was badly eroded.

Anyway, seeing that you made in though in your wider, longer wheel-based Tundra, makes me think I gave up too easily.

--Great story about that arrow head, crazy to think of who made it and how it ended up there.

It would be a piece of cake in your Taco. I've seen video of a Sportsmobile going up it, I wouldn't wanna try it though.

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