A Saline Thanksgiving & The Last Chance Range

I watched the Park Service H1 Hummer go through the narrows as I followed in my F250 some years back. It really isn't that big a deal. Same with Lippincott. Full size trucks drive those roads all the time. Think about it, what do you think made those roads, mini trucks?
I watched the Park Service H1 Hummer go through the narrows as I followed in my F250 some years back. It really isn't that big a deal. Same with Lippincott. Full size trucks drive those roads all the time. Think about it, what do you think made those roads, mini trucks?

Yeah, did my part.

I ran it in a full size '78 Dodge Power Wagon, back in 1980, both ways. Had a spotter too.
Dang, I left some paint on those rocks!

Those holes bored into the petroglyphs are vandalism, 20 years ago they were not there.

On a very cold, windy day in 1989 I was walking on Eureka Dunes. Looking down at the sand as I walked, the wind uncovered this amazing arrowhead. I took some pictures before leaving it back on the sand. I wonder if another human has ever seen it again?

Nice, Gene! Was the arrowhead high in the dunes or lower, in the flats?
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