A Short Jaunt to New Mexico


Wow...t'was such a nice feeling to be warm again. I think this was the first trip in almost a year of ownership where we didn't use the furace whatsoever.
A one blanket night...'er..a...>nights< I should say.

3 dogs in tow, barko. Thankfully they are good most of the time!

Nope...not a relocation, highz. Just a bit of an investment while the market is down and a place for my oldest to live while in college. (NMT/Socorro) Definitely A LOT nicer than the college crash pad we had..LOL.

maybe someday we'll use it ourselves for a winter abode...

saw one FWC on the road...might have been on a Ranger...was a smaller truck fer sure. Saw it just south of Buena Vista, CO.

did the entire return drive today..... ughhh.....

as always..it goes too fast......

Great report mtn....enjoyed reading it.

Sorry to hear the trips over.. but look at it this way, now you can start planning the next one.
Country Song comes to mind...

I wouldn't blame it on the booze, sounds like these folks were probably on the low end of the gene/manners sober.

There is a song out now that describes these folks as Category 3 folks IMO...

God is Great, Beer is Good, People are Crazy....

BTW... That is a place I want to visit... The pics you posted show some magnificent viewage.
There is a song out now that describes these folks as Category 3 folks IMO...

God is Great, Beer is Good, People are Crazy...

Well I finally heard the chorus of this song pipin' out from under the metal cover at the gas station while fillin' up the tank.

The liberal in me says "Well..2 out of 3 ain't bad".... LOL. Crazy sons-a-b......yeah..you know what I'm talkin' about...

Headin' SOUTH yet again. Gonna get a few nights "out" on the way down and a string of nights just crashin' in the driveway at the college den of hedonism in Socorro...aka..my son's house.

If anyone wants to stop by we'll be painting eaves and gable ends on the house all week and I'm sure we can find ya a brush.

Bring yer own (good) beer. (and a Bible)

we'll provide the crazy.


I'm heading to New Mexico, around Cebolla for an archery elk hunt. Any tips on where the elk are located?

Sorry, I just saw this. Honestly, not sure where the elk are. My guess is east towards the mtns from Cebolla.
I figured I'd add a few pics to this thread even though I'm not heading to NM til next month.....

I met 17 Internet buddies this weekend near Twin Lakes, Co. for a couple of nights.

You guys woulda died. I only saw 4 beers (question: is Coors Light really "beer"?) drank all weekend. Typical, they left their cans on the ground and I ended up havin to do a camp clean up after they left. I cut em slack cus they just moved here from Oklahoma. 'nuff said!! Next time Homie isn't playin that game though.

T'was THE windiest 3 days in a row I can remember here in Colorado in my 26 years here. The FWC was rockin'....and the wife wasn't even there....
It was damn hard to keep the party lit.....but we managed just the same... LOL

"'tis a privilege to live in colorado"!


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After they left camp? Its traditional to leave the cans by the lawn chair so the next morning you can remember just how many beers you had, but to not clean up before leaving is just irresponsible.
They were friends of friends. Moved here 3 weeks ago. Irresponsible is the word.

It was windy as Hell and MAYBE they didn't see them as they pulled out....but still...>>>no excuse<<< in my book.

I forgot how bad stale beer smells. It was a good reminder all the way around >why< I stopped the practice 15+ years ago.

next time. NO beer!

I'm still get surprised by how piggish people can be. I have a fried who has a long of adventurous experience and quite the liberal but throw things like orange peels out on desert trails. In this environment that stuff will take over a year to go away and meanwhile everyone else gets to see it. Leave no trace is a pretty simple and basic rule.
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