Adam missing in Nevada


Captain Leisure
Site Team
Nov 10, 2005
Eugene, Oregon
I noticed this on Friends of Black Rock website and thought a few more eyeballs may help:

Attention: Anyone hiking near the Table Mountain Wilderness

Please be on the lookout for Adam J. Blanchard.

Adam has been missing since early February. His car was found roughly 5 miles south of the road leading into Barley Creek at the southern end of the Table Mountain Wilderness (GPS coordinates: 38 36.5655N 116 40.9522W).

Adam is 27 years old and was on a car trip from Texas. His family seeks “any assistance available to help us find Adam and bring him home.” Facebook page with photos.

Please contact Detective Duane Downing or Sgt. Bill Stark of the Nye County Sheriff's Office at (775) 482-8101, if you have any information about Adam's whereabouts. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.
I just plotted these coordinates. His vehicle was found at 7700 feet on a dirt road (324) on the west slope of Nevada's Monitor Range. Big picture stuff, about 10.5 miles (as the crow flies) east of Belmont. This road is an access to the Table Mountain Wilderness to the north of this spot. Interesting place for a young man from Texas to be all alone in February.
I got curious about an update to this sad story. We were in this area over Memorial Day. I discovered this info on a webpage dated June 27, 2011:

We received sad news today: Adam's remains were found in NV about one-tenth of a mile up a steep hill from where his vehicle was found. We are planning a memorial service for later this week in Texarkana. We will let you know when we have more details of that. We know that God has Adam in His perfect care. We greatly apppreciate your thoughts and prayers throughout this difficult ordeal. ~ Melody (Adam's Sister)
Seems odd that his remains were found just 500 feet from his vehicle...and yet they didn't find him right away when they found the vehicle.
Strange that it would take months to find a body that close...
Seems odd that his remains were found just 500 feet from his vehicle...and yet they didn't find him right away when they found the vehicle.
Strange that it would take months to find a body that close...

........................and they did several days of searching at different times with people and dogs. But, we know nothing about the terrain, vegetation, clothing color, etc., so I don't want to get into any hindsight guessing.

Pods, from what I've read the vehicle was stuck.

I'm sad that this ended this way but glad it has reached closure.
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