Adding Jacks to a Eagle

Mr. Prescott

Advanced Member
May 29, 2013
Prescott - Arizona
I am looking at an Eagle, but I would want to have Jacks added it does not have these, also from my understanding I would have to have fold out brackets to be able to fit my Tacoma under the camper.

If I go with after market jacks what does anyone recommend, and does the off market fold out brackets allow enough clearance for the truck body.

Looks like the Jacks I looked at were around $650 for 4 and the brackets would be $300.

Last thing where is the best prices on this stuff? I checked on e-bay, amazon and local dealer.


The extensions for the jacks do let you put the camper on a Tacoma, but it is close. (At least mine are.) You can make a set of extension mounts out of quarter inch plate that should cost less than $150 when finished. You just need rectangles that are drilled appropriately for the jacks and the mounts on the camper. I can get the dimensions of the plates I use if you want.

Spend the extra money and get mechanical jacks rather than cable jacks. Mounting a camper using cable jacks is an experience you likely don't want to have, particularly when the wind is blowing or the ground is not level. You might shop around with some of the RV supply outfits like PPL or Camping World to see if they have the jacks.
All Lance campers come with Attwood mechanical jacks. When people upgrade to electric mechanical jacks the dealers pile up the stock mechanical jacks. They should sell these take off jacks for a lower price. You will just need to make the brackets and extension plates. If you find a shop that sells aluminum stock this will be easy to do.
When I picked up my camper from FWC they had several take offs or somethings like Marty mentioned. They are "Happy Jacks" and I got them for less than half the cost of new, in nearly new condition. The jacks don't match the bolt pattern on the camper, so I had some 2x2 1/4" angle adaptor brackets made out of 1/4" steel for $145 at a local fab shop. My cost also included some rediculous extention plates for the front. Plan on spending a bit more if you want AL as it's 2x the cost of steel. I painted mine and they look pretty good.
Plates on mine are about 2-3/4" X 13". Making them 3-1/4" or 3-1/2" wide would give you a little more room on either side of the truck as you back under the camper. You still have to center the camper in the bed.

Perhaps more important: I don't know how wide the Eagle is at the widest point. The Bobcat is 72.5" wide and the plates move the jacks in front out to 77.5" from center of mounting bolt on the jacks to center of mounting bolt on the jacks. If you make plates that put the front jacks out so that the mounting bolts on the jacks are 77.5" to 79" apart measured across the front of the camper, you should be all right.
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