Alaska and back

Dirt Rider

Senior Member
Jun 13, 2019
A few years back I had the opportunity to work in Alaska for about a year, I had wanted to experience a winter up there and see the sights, it did not disappoint. Dove from SoCal and caught the ferry in Washington. 2019-07-22_10-17-53.jpeg
The ferry was an adventure in itself, didn't have a room reserved so I slept on a sleeping bag on the rear deck, others did the same or put up tents.
Got off in Hsins and drove the rest of the way to Anchorage were I worked, with part of the job spent on the island of Adak. The island was an interesting place full of ww2 and cold war relics, eagle and caribou. 2019-07-22_10-15-07.jpeg2019-07-22_10-10-16.jpeg2019-07-22_10-12-35.jpeg2019-07-22_10-09-21.jpeg2019-07-22_10-07-27.jpeg
Dirtrider,first welcome to the "cult".
Thanks for the pictures.Alaska is such a great place to explore.
We have made 5 trips over the past 29 years. The 2 last trips were in our ATC Bobcat.
2011/2016,we also tale the ferry great way to enjoy some of the trip without driving.
We have sleep on the after deck a few times,with the last sunsets/early sunrise it's fun.
Great photo of the Wood Bison.The Wildlife reserve in the Anchorage area is raising them to reintroduce
into their original range.Beautiful animals.
Post more pictures if you want.
For those who remember what was like before gps, they used Loran systems to navigate. This is what's left of the one on Adak.2019-07-22_12-51-25.jpeg
[SIZE=10.5pt]It was strange driving, with wild horses and buffalo walking down the road in front of me! The drive broke all my pre conceived notions of Canada and Alaska. The road from Haines through Canada to Tok was mainly used by US drivers and a handful of native Canadians, and nobody warned me about the frost heaves those really did a number on my suspension! Hard to pay attention to the road with all the rubbernecking I did, look forward to heading up to TUK and the arctic next year.[/SIZE]
We just did a 75 day trip, to their an back through the southwest 10,500 miles awesome time
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