Already Been Chewed- Trucks

I added the additive note because I see it as a cost of ownership for a new diesel owner. Perhaps we should entertain it as a separate post. That being said I saw the research paper as I was studying the subject. What I found out was all the products available at my local auto stores were the additives that made things worse. Go figure. I have considered the boat oil as an additive and may go to it when my current supply is gone.

I actually sent the research link to my mechanic some time ago and he was very intriqued and reading it through very carefully.

Never, ever put any motor lubricating oil in your fuel, two cycle or otherwise. This is not the kind of lubrication that injectors need. You can ruin injectors beyond repair. As you noticed the additive with most lubricity is bio diesel. If that's in your fuel already, you should not need anything else. The only additive I've seen that is an improvement over bio is the light truck additive sold by Cummins. If you have questions regarding that jewel of a Cummins engine, call the toll free Cummins tech. line. It's listed on their web site.
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