Announcement: We have a new "Photographers Forum"

Wandering Sagebrush

Free Range Human
Site Team
Nov 17, 2013
Northeast Oregon
Hi Fellow Wanderers,

We now have a Photographers Forum under the Misc section of the website. Janet and the technical team deserve a great big Thank You for making this happen.

Right now, we have moved the Landscape and Wildlife threads into the Forum, and we will create a few more. It's undecided whether or not these will become sub-forums, or just remain threads. For the time being, we are thinking that threads on Camera, Lenses and Gear, Photography Technique, and Post Processing Technique would be good starting points. If you have additional suggestions, please send them to one of the site team members so we can talk it over.

One thing the team would like to avoid in the forum is brand bashing. I know that we all have our favorites when it comes to gear, but bashing the other brand should be avoided. Constructive dialog comparing features and performance is fine. Like always, the approach of Just Be Nice is the best.

The site team hopes you'll enjoy this addition.
As important as photographs are to Wander the West, (and to populating trip bucket lists), :) this new forum should be a great asset. Thanks for creating it.

Perhaps, a thread to add links to older posts related to these subjects could act as an index to make the old posts easier to find.

Bravo! This should be a fun group. Thanks Wandering Sagebrush and tech team.

I know some folks say gear doesn't matter, it's the photographer. Certainly tools don't make the man, or woman.
But knowing how to use what you've got, and sharing how you create the image is valuable to me. I encourage sharing of the EXIF, meaning the technical data of the camera, lens, aperture, shutter, iso and more.

I'm looking forward to what other threads can be included. Off the top of my head I can think of historical/mining, architecture, campers in action or at rest. ;)
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